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Sandi - We were reading about Medicine Park, OK, and the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge was right next door. We RV camped there in April 2006.
Campground Review
We stayed at this campground for four days this April. We had deer, wild turkey and buffalo right in the campground with us. This is the first time I've seen these animals close up. All of the refuge is free range. Besides the things already mentioned, they also have Texas Longhorn and elk.
There is an amazing stone church also. This is very close to Ft. Sill, and we were lucky enough to see them on maneuvers, which was quite interesting. The fee is reasonable also, and golden age is 1/2 price. While here, we also went to Medicine Park to see the cute little round stone cottages.
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Sandi - We were reading about Medicine Park, OK, and the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge was right next door. We RV camped there in April 2006.
Campground Review
We stayed at this campground for four days this April. We had deer, wild turkey and buffalo right in the campground with us. This is the first time I've seen these animals close up. All of the refuge is free range. Besides the things already mentioned, they also have Texas Longhorn and elk.
There is an amazing stone church also. This is very close to Ft. Sill, and we were lucky enough to see them on maneuvers, which was quite interesting. The fee is reasonable also, and golden age is 1/2 price. While here, we also went to Medicine Park to see the cute little round stone cottages.
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