If you love the great outdoors then you need a good camping stove. If you're new to the outdoors, then you need a camping stove. In fact you may need a camping stove even if you aren't going to use it for camping. These stoves can be used for all kinds of events. You don't always want to have to find or bring a barbecue grill with you when going to the park or spending a day at the beach. That is when a small and easily portable camping stove can really come in handy. And of course when camping a stove so almost a necessity. You could get by without the camping stove, but each meal is going to be a long and smoky process over the open fire. Let's discuss a few things to keep in mind to keep in mind when looking for a camping stove.
First is the size. We already talked a little bit about portability so let's expand upon it a bit. What kinds of event will you be using the stove for? How full will your car be when taking the stove with you? Do you normally walk a long ways from the car to event, meaning are you going to have to carry the stove? Keep these items in mind when shopping and make sure to check the specs of any stove you are looking at. The specs will show you the dimensions and the weight.
Also, think about how much food you will normally be preparing on the stove. Most stoves have either one or two burners available for cooking. And usually the number of burners is directly proportional to the size and weight, but not always. If you're cooking for a small group one burner may suit your needs but if your meals are a little more complex or you are feeding a larger hungry group you may need the additional burner.
The type of fuel that the stove burns is another important consideration. Especially if you take into account that some of the really powerful stoves on the market utilize the large five gallon tanks of propane. That will affect your portability! But if doing a crayfish boil or something similar those really powerful stoves are the only choice. There are several different kinds of fuel that some stoves use besides the five gallon tank of propane. Some use the small green bottles of propane. Others use a similar gas called butane. And still others burn liquid gas. So you have options. The main thing is to pick a fuel type that will be readily available in the areas you will be using the stove.
Hopefully these points will help you choose a stove that will meet your needs for years to come.
First is the size. We already talked a little bit about portability so let's expand upon it a bit. What kinds of event will you be using the stove for? How full will your car be when taking the stove with you? Do you normally walk a long ways from the car to event, meaning are you going to have to carry the stove? Keep these items in mind when shopping and make sure to check the specs of any stove you are looking at. The specs will show you the dimensions and the weight.
Also, think about how much food you will normally be preparing on the stove. Most stoves have either one or two burners available for cooking. And usually the number of burners is directly proportional to the size and weight, but not always. If you're cooking for a small group one burner may suit your needs but if your meals are a little more complex or you are feeding a larger hungry group you may need the additional burner.
The type of fuel that the stove burns is another important consideration. Especially if you take into account that some of the really powerful stoves on the market utilize the large five gallon tanks of propane. That will affect your portability! But if doing a crayfish boil or something similar those really powerful stoves are the only choice. There are several different kinds of fuel that some stoves use besides the five gallon tank of propane. Some use the small green bottles of propane. Others use a similar gas called butane. And still others burn liquid gas. So you have options. The main thing is to pick a fuel type that will be readily available in the areas you will be using the stove.
Hopefully these points will help you choose a stove that will meet your needs for years to come.