Travel & Places: Conservation Campsites in New Zealand

Conservation Campsites in New Zealand

So you have decided to enjoy a nature based New Zealand summer holiday and go camping in the great outdoors. Excellent conservation campsites are found by the dozen across New Zealand, but this will be unknown to you if you are not from there or if this is your first camping trip at conservation cam

Travel & Places: How to Restore a Coleman Lantern

How to Restore a Coleman Lantern

Coleman has made over 50 million lanterns since 1901. Many families, campers and outdoorsmen have enjoyed the welcoming glow of a Coleman lantern during nights spent at camp. Restoring older Coleman lanterns gives a new lease on life to the ubiquitous camp lanterns. Once restored, use the lantern ar

Travel & Places: Camping for Two A Romantic Break

Camping for Two A Romantic Break

Imagine your average family camping experience; fresh air, kids running free, campfires and quality time. Now, imagine it without the kids. It might seem crazy, but a camping trip for two can be as ro

Travel & Places: Pocket Knives - A Great Tool to Have on Any Occasion

Pocket Knives - A Great Tool to Have on Any Occasion

Some people will say a knife is a knife. But talk to an enthusiast, and they will tell you otherwise. Since the dawn of day, when man took to making sharp objects, knives became an integral part of human consciousness. There are all sorts of knives today, like our humble pocket knives for instance.

Travel & Places: What to Pack for a Cold Weather Campout

What to Pack for a Cold Weather Campout

Packing inadequately for a cold-weather camping trip can lead to an uncomfortable or even dangerous outing. Hypothermia, the dropping of the body's core temperature, can be deadly. By following this advice, you can safely and comfortably enjoy the majesty of winter camping.

Travel & Places: How to Stake a Tent Awning in the Wind

How to Stake a Tent Awning in the Wind

Avoid disaster and stake your tent and awning properly to prevent the winds from overturning and shaking your outdoor shelter. As the last setup part of your tent, the awning provides extra sun protection and shade against rain for the space right outside your tent door. Always bring extra supplies

Travel & Places: Do You Like Camping In The Rain?

Do You Like Camping In The Rain?

Some of my friends aren't very fond of camping trips. Instead, it would be fair to say that they prefer their creature comforts. When I do persuade them to join me, there are certain rules ...

Travel & Places: Texas A&M Swim Camps

Texas A&M Swim Camps

Texas A&M offers four swim camp sessions each summer.swimming pool image by Chad McDermott from Fotolia.comTexas A&M University offers summer camp experiences to children each year. The camps provide instruction in a variety of sports for girls and boys. The Texas A&M swim camp welcomes...

Travel & Places: Waterproof Camping

Waterproof Camping

To enjoy waterproof camping you need to be prepared for the unpredictable weather conditions around these days. To avoid a waterlogged campsite and an early return home a little forward planning is needed. Once you have everything covered it's happy days!

Travel & Places: Sport Dome Tent Instructions

Sport Dome Tent Instructions

There's nothing more frustrating than losing those essential tent instructions and trying to construct a tent that you have no idea how to assemble. Luckily, dome tents are among the more straightforward types of tents to set up. The approach is much the same from tent to tent. Find an ideal place t

Travel & Places: Camping Trip Ideas for Kids

Camping Trip Ideas for Kids

Camping is a valuable way to share quality family time without breaking the bank. When camping involves children, having a list of activities set up during the camping stay keeps kids entertained and occupied during the trip. Finding a campground that is kid-friendly ensures a successful and memorab

Travel & Places: Water's Edge Campground, Lebanon, Connecticut

Water's Edge Campground, Lebanon, Connecticut

Photo of Water's Edge Campground, Lebanon, Connecticut. This gallery features photos taken by campers of campground scenes, their campsite or cooking area, their RV or tent, or anything about their camping trip. All campers are welcome to submit their camping photos.

Travel & Places: Caring For Your Mountaineering Tent

Caring For Your Mountaineering Tent

Good quality mountaineering and camping tents are not cheap, yet they can be easily ruined through neglect. Follow these simple tips to ensure many years of use from your cold weather tent.

Travel & Places: What To Make When Camping

What To Make When Camping

Camping is fun - but most people feel they have to eat food from a can or that is dried. Learn how to cook some easy and delicious foods.