checkin/checkout procedures - When you arrive at the campground stop at the office, register, and get a site assigned. Ask your questions now, because once you set up camp it may be too late. Ask what the quiet hours are, whether or not they are enforced, is alcohol allowed, who to call in an emergency, etc. Before leaving the campground be sure to clean up your site, dispose of all trash, and make sure you have packed everything.
Stop at the office upon leaving to let them know the site is empty and available for the next camper.
Glossary Index
checkin/checkout procedures - When you arrive at the campground stop at the office, register, and get a site assigned. Ask your questions now, because once you set up camp it may be too late. Ask what the quiet hours are, whether or not they are enforced, is alcohol allowed, who to call in an emergency, etc. Before leaving the campground be sure to clean up your site, dispose of all trash, and make sure you have packed everything.
Stop at the office upon leaving to let them know the site is empty and available for the next camper.
Glossary Index