Watch Me - I'll Figure It Out!
This is an inspiring experience from my client, Aimee, which reads like a how-to manual for getting what you want. As you read Aimee's experience, notice how she focuses on her desire with clarity and determination.
This is an inspiring experience from my client, Aimee, which reads like a how-to manual for getting what you want. As you read Aimee's experience, notice how she focuses on her desire with clarity and determination.
Learning methods of stress elimination is a vital skill in the modern world.After all, there is no way to get away from stress these days, thanks to work, life, family, the economy, the state of the world, global warming, and an overabundance of people who are reminding you constantly about all of t
Know more about how to deal during recession.
Exercise does the mind good! There are two main things that have to be worked on constantly in order to proceed and grow in life. In order to live a positive, success filled life there ...
According to Trinny and Susannah, the two stars of ITV1's reality fashion show, now in its second season, Brits spend 30 billion pounds every year on clothing, much of which is never worn. In an effort to help British women who are compulsive buyers learn to spend their money more wisely and st
I want to direct you towards finding ways to stay motivated.Allow yourself to read this article and feel free to send me your input when you are finished. You may like what I have to say!
Learn from these lessons, and you will find success that will enable you to live a truly wealthy life.
Our genes account for the biological and neurological (i.e. genotypic) predispositions that we have inherited from our family ancestors. Think of genes as the seeds that you were handed at birth. These seeds may or may not germinate, depending on your childhood and current environment. Scientists ta
Words can be incredibly powerful things. They can inspire us to be more, to do more, to strive for more than we ever imagined possible. Words can also tear down the greatest of minds, even when they come from the smallest of men. It is important to pay attention to the words you use as well as the w
Can we manage stress, or are we just kidding ourselves? The article describes what we encounter when becoming stressed, and how to move on from there. It's high time we started doing something about stress, which is incapacitating such a large portion of the people of the world.
At 51 years old, I decided to make a change in my employment. A little scary, but hopefully, worthwhile. Here's some inspiration for you...
Daily proven techniques that are simple to learn and will vastly improve your memory. I'll show examples that have worked personally for me and helped many others.
When I am speaking to clients and groups on the topic of designing a healthier life, comments about unhealthy food consumption often arise as they relate to stress resulting from uber-caffeinated careers and lifestyles. The key is not to give up comfort food but to allow a spirit of awareness to inf
In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a handsome Greek youth who had never seen his reflection. The nymph Echo had been punished by Hera for gossiping by being cursed to forever €have the last word€. One ...
The intention of this article is to share some of the basics of exercise and sport psychology and to illustrate the importance of our thoughts and emotions relative to our physical goals. I will also describe some simple techniques that you can use regularly to improve you performance. This informat
Be happy to your self and people always. And do forgive one another for this is the only duty of man on earth that God too will forgive us our trespasses. Then, a lone shall you find happiness and hea
In an attempt to resolve the idea of happiness being an elusive quality, we imply that it is so by framing it in the negative. Given the suffering present in the world nowadays, many of us are inclined to consider happiness as being intangible. It would not be incorrect to assume the following line
Why does feeling good go deeper than just a smile on your face? Since ancient times, groups and individuals have studied the amazing power of the Law of Attraction.
'How do I choose a personal development course, I want to learn more this year, but there are too many options to choose from', that was an email I received recently. Good question, and below is part of my reply. As a personal development trainer my journey has led me to try out a range of
Many people contact me to have a hypnosis session to discover their purpose in life. We have become conditioned to believe that only those things that are a big 'Wow' with media hype included have any merit. Thus, many people think their purpose is a 'big' mystery, something that