Pets & Animal: Aquarium Stands

Aquarium Stands

Aquarium stands are special stands designed to place aquariums upon. The size and material used to make an aquarium stand depends on the type of aquarium.

Pets & Animal: On "Inheriting" a Cat

On "Inheriting" a Cat

Grandpa has never been a cat person. He has been a serial monogamist with a succession of beloved dogs, including Buttons the beagle, whose oil portrait still hangs in his living room. (My mother notes ...

Pets & Animal: 5 Nasty Internal Parasites and Symptoms a Dog Might Have

5 Nasty Internal Parasites and Symptoms a Dog Might Have

Once you start to hear about internal parasites in pets, the more common worm mentioned seems to be the heartworm. Heartworms are small and nasty creatures that are able to prove fatal if left neglected. ...

Pets & Animal: Feline Uti: Look For These 5 Telltale Signs Of A Cat Uti

Feline Uti: Look For These 5 Telltale Signs Of A Cat Uti

Often feline UTI, or feline urinary tract infection, is mistaken as a behavioral problem with your cat. If you find your cat is urinating in odd places, or missing her litter box, she may be suffering

Pets & Animal: Degu Dust Baths

Degu Dust Baths

Degus take dust baths just like chinchillas. Learn what you need and why your degu needs this special dust.

Pets & Animal: How to Stop Dog Aggression

How to Stop Dog Aggression

Aggression is instinctive to dogs. Survival in the wild required the evolution of this trait over many centuries. Many centuries of selective breeding techniques have reduced dog aggression traits. Below are some reasons why your ...

Pets & Animal: Itchy Scratching Dog - Mange

Itchy Scratching Dog - Mange

There are two types of dog mange. Scabies is a mite that tunnels into the skin. This is also known as "fox mange". The other type of dog mange is Demodex.

Pets & Animal: Living with a Dog in the City? 5 Reality Checks

Living with a Dog in the City? 5 Reality Checks

A dog in the city? I used to be horrified at the idea. In fact dogs live well in small spaces. With dog parks and walks, they get more exercise than their country cousins. And your life will have a wh

Pets & Animal: How To Deal With Puppy Leash Training Problems

How To Deal With Puppy Leash Training Problems

Puppies that have been allowed to run to the end of their leash and investigate the world without control from their owners can turn into easily distracted dogs. These dogs often chew their leash, tow their owners, investigate every object on the ground, tear after other dogs, and refuse to comply w

Pets & Animal: How to Deal With Biting Parrots!

How to Deal With Biting Parrots!

Dealing with a biting parrot can be frustrating to say the least. This article will address tame or semi-tame parrots that bite. Of course, untamed parrots will bite; that's just a fact of life. Tamin

Pets & Animal: Persian Cat: Chocolate And Lilac Color

Persian Cat: Chocolate And Lilac Color

Chocolate or lilac Persians?Can it be possible? I, as an owner, breeding Persians and exots, pose myself such a problem quite recently. Of, course they exist, if to see from genetic point of view.

Pets & Animal: Titan


Titan - pet pig photo

Pets & Animal: How to Stop a Dog from Barking

How to Stop a Dog from Barking

Perhaps one of the most aggravating things to your neighbors about your dog is your dog's barking. If he tears up your home, that doesn't affect your neighbors too much. But the constant barking day ...

Pets & Animal: Crate Train Puppy

Crate Train Puppy

Crate train your puppy early as it will benefit both the puppy and its owner. The puppy will use the crate as its home or bed for rest and security, if trained properly.It could also assist you in you

Pets & Animal: How to Get Dolphins on "Gaia"

How to Get Dolphins on "Gaia"

In the social networking game "Gaia Online," players create avatars to explore anime-themed Gaia Towns. Activities in the game include buying clothes for avatars, collecting flowers, prospecting for gold and maintaining an aquarium. Members buy accessories, decorations and dolphins for the

Pets & Animal: The Importance of Dog grooming

The Importance of Dog grooming

Pets nowadays are often counted as members of the family and some individuals even go through great lengths and spend a fortune for dog grooming. Taking care of your pets require you to keep a ...

Pets & Animal: What You Need To Know About Dog Seizures

What You Need To Know About Dog Seizures

Dog seizures can be disturbing to watch and care for especially if the cause is unknown. It may be a big or small health issue and until this is diagnosed, it's even harder on an owner who has loved and cared for their pet from a young age.

Pets & Animal: Methods Of Clicker Training A Dog

Methods Of Clicker Training A Dog

The clicker work on the concept of association. The clicker is associated by some nice treat. It is therefor very important that the click will always be followed by a treat. The dog learns that if he