Pets & Animal: Can Cat Litter Be Used in the Bottom of a Rabbit Cage?

Can Cat Litter Be Used in the Bottom of a Rabbit Cage?

Cat litter should not be used for rabbits. Clumping cat litter is toxic when ingested. It is best to use litter specifically for rabbits; however, pay attention to the ingredients and materials used to manufacture the litter. Deodorized pine and cedar shavings as litter also are deadly.

Pets & Animal: Housebreaking your Dog or Puppy

Housebreaking your Dog or Puppy

Dogs want to please their owners.One of the problems is that they are not clear about what the owner wants.Just because the dog owner turns the dog out in the yard a few times a day does not mean that

Pets & Animal: Cat Breeding cycle

Cat Breeding cycle

Cat breeding cycle and the behavioral changes are noticeable. The breeders should take care so that the kittens born are healthy and the mother cat also keeps good health.

Pets & Animal: How to Litter Train a Bunny

How to Litter Train a Bunny

Bunnies make great pets for older children and adults. In addition to being gentle, quiet and sweet, they are also extremely clean by nature, and they are known to groom themselves as much or more than cats. Like cats, bunnies can be easily litter box trained. Once they are housebroken, there is no

Pets & Animal: College Team Dog Jerseys are Great Gifts

College Team Dog Jerseys are Great Gifts

If you're looking for something great to send the college member of your family or the dog owner who still highly supports his alma mater, then you might consider college team dog jerseys. Maybe you ...

Pets & Animal: Ferret Pets – 5 Reasons Why Ferrets Make Great Pets

Ferret Pets – 5 Reasons Why Ferrets Make Great Pets

If you're planning to purchase your own pet and if you've decided to own a ferret, well, you're in for a wild ride! Some say that having a ferret in the house is just like inviting your own amusing to

Pets & Animal: How To Raise Backyard Chickens - The Benefits Of Personally Rearing Chickens

How To Raise Backyard Chickens - The Benefits Of Personally Rearing Chickens

Have you been contemplating about how to raise backyard chickens but just can't push through with the project because you're not certain whether your investments and efforts will all be worth it? To help you form a decision easily, listed here are several reasons why you must take raising

Pets & Animal: Chicken Coop Blueprints - Chicken Coops And Blueprints

Chicken Coop Blueprints - Chicken Coops And Blueprints

If you are trying to build a shelter for your hens, it can be very beneficial if you are going to look for chicken coop blueprints. This is essential so that you can make sure that you will be able to

Pets & Animal: 6 Tips To Stop Your Dog From Chewing

6 Tips To Stop Your Dog From Chewing

Does your dog or puppy chew on things he shouldn't? Here are 6 commonly used tips experienced trainers and dog lovers use to stop unwanted chewing.

Pets & Animal: Building Your Very Own Fish Tank Canopy

Building Your Very Own Fish Tank Canopy

If you are a fish lover and like to get your hands dirty from time to time, you might want to consider building your own fish tank canopy rather than purchasing one off the shelf. Building a canopy fo

Pets & Animal: Dog Nutrition and Health Facts

Dog Nutrition and Health Facts

Proper nutrition is the fundamental basis for every aspect of your dog's life. It affects their health and longevity by offering an essential balance of proteins, fats, complex carbs and nutrients and minerals their bodies ...

Pets & Animal: Chip


Chip - Fancy Mouse Photo

Pets & Animal: Dog training centers in Los Angeles - an Overview

Dog training centers in Los Angeles - an Overview

Is your pet not following your commands properly? Does it turn aggressive when you ask it to do something? If you answered yes to any one of the above questions then you need some professional ...

Pets & Animal: How to Plan a Pet Memorial Service

How to Plan a Pet Memorial Service

Losing a pet is a difficult aspect of life and one that every pet owner has to face at some point. One of the best ways to get through something so terrible while focusing on the memories shared with a pet is through a pet memorial service. Because a pet is usually considered a part of the family, p

Pets & Animal: Pet Care Training For the Masses

Pet Care Training For the Masses

Pet care training is an important aspect of owning any type of pet, whether it is a dog, a cat or even a mouse, you must make sure that you are taking care of your pet and you can do this by pet care training. Most pets can be trained, and it is a fact that most pets need to be trained and cared for

Pets & Animal: Common Rabbit Behaviors

Common Rabbit Behaviors

Rabbits have more unique behaviors and vocalizations than most people would think. This article will briefly summarize some of the most common rabbit behaviors and vocalizations.

Pets & Animal: Owning a Pet Sugar Glider

Owning a Pet Sugar Glider

Choosing a pet is not a simple decision. It is very important to carefully consider what kind of pet will suit your lifestyle well and whether it will fit in with your family if applicable.

Pets & Animal: Protecting Your Pooch From Theft

Protecting Your Pooch From Theft

We don't regularly think about it, but there is always the underlying fear that someone would pup-nap your beloved canine. This happens far more often than you might think, and usually when you least expect ...

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