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Important Information On Buying A Freshwater Aquarium

Shopping for freshwater aquarium can be overwhelming as each pet store has interesting packages to offer. A purchased aquarium usually comes in a package of filters, heaters and light. In some of these offers though, you actually may not need the products included in the package. Thus, it is best to have completed your design first and to have a full list of your aquarium needs before you go shopping. Then, you can canvass on the price. Rates of products for the fish-keeping hobby such as fish tank, kits and equipment differ in terms of size, dimensions, shape, style, materials and manufacturers. For example, a glass aquarium is relatively cheaper than an acrylic aquarium. However, in terms of shipping, the acrylic tank is easier transported from the shop to your home than the glass version because of the latter's fragility and sheer weight. Here is an approximate pricing of fish tanks and aquarium kits and equipments to guide you in your shopping.

Nowadays, a purchased aquarium usually comes in a package of filters, heaters and lights. In some offers though, you actually may not need some of the products included in the package so it is best to have completed list for your aquarium needs before you go shopping. Then, you can canvass on the price and shop around. To buy a freshwater aquarium takes persistence but it is worth the effort.

Here is an approximate pricing of fish tanks and some extra advice to guide you in your shopping.

Small Tanks

Small tanks are tanks with 2 to 15 gallons and cost anywhere from $12 up to $50 and will often include many of the extra pieces built right into the tank for convienience. fish bowls often cost only around $12 to $25 dollars depending on the size and very popular in offices the world over, and are still typically around 1 to 3 gallons especially with popular fish like the gold fish. Small fish tanks are popular because they are only for a fish or two and can fit on any desk or table. These are the popular small fish tanks and the ones that sell the most.

Another popular type of fish tank that sells well is the small rectangular aquarium, that are 10 gallons in size and are 20 x 8 x 12 inches in measurements. These can cost around $40 and are popular in small offices and home offices around the world.

Medium-Sized Tanks

These tanks range from 20 to 60 gallons in weight and can range in price from around $50 up to $400 and that often will not include the extra accessories that you will need to make the aquarium function properly. The most common shapes for the medium sized aquariums are Rectangular and Hexagon.

These aquariums function great, are easy to clean, and are popular in homes and offices across the world and are also easy to set up. They are also the aquariums that can be the biggest nightmare to repair if something goes wrong or the person handling the maintenance does not know what they are doing. In getting a aquarium in this price range, speak first to a store clerk to be sure to get great advice before you make your purchase, and ask them questions like "what is the most popular problem that people have complained about with this size aquarium and exactly how do I prevent this problem", which will get you excellent free information.

Another point worth mentioning about medium sized aquariums are that, because they are popular in sales, you can get a great deal on accessories and equipment at pet stores with huge discounts of the stores list prices. This is a huge help because it will give you more tank for your money or extra supplies for free, like free fish food for a year or something great like that.

Large Tanks

Finally, large tanks range from 80 gallon on up and are the most expensive ones. aquariuns these size require not only expert care, but also the best maintenance as they are found only in large homes and professional offices. Their selling prices are typically $500 and up and can easily run over a thousand dollars for one aquarium. If you step into aquariums this size, be prepared with a huge bank account as the average person cannot afford this as a hobby. You can find large aquariums that can be over one thousand gallons and be in many different shapes and sizes.

These types of aquariums are often custom built and can be made into all of the popular shapes that you might want as well as some shapes that you might think are not possible but they are. Stick with the professional aquarist when you need your large freshwater aquarium to be maintained. No one in an office or home setting are going to be able to deal with the constant maintenance and upkeep of an aquariums as large as one thousand gallons. These giants are not that popular for price reasons but smaller, large aquariums like around 150 gallons are popular enough that they keep professionals busy year round.

My advice to someone with a large aquarium is to ONLY have the proofessional handle your maintenance and upkeep. It will be cumbersome and it will be a ton of work so leave it to the pros. If you do decide to do it yourself, you will probably regret a few months later, as most people do with tanks this size.

A Brief Word on Custom Aquariums

A custom aquarium is an aquarium that is not in mass production and not typically for sale in your local fish stores shelves. This means that the fish tank can be small and still cost you a small fortune to have it made. It can be shaped to be like a sink, a coffee table, an office desk, a phone booth or any other object your mind can dream up.

Custom aquariums can cost anywhere from several hundred dollars up to several thousand dollars, with really expensive ones costing over one million dollars and be the size of a professional swimming pool.

I would not consider this unless I were a millionaire as this can be brutally expensive and even the coffee table version will cost you a lot of money as it is said to cost around fifty thousand dollars for a completely custom one!
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