Once you start to hear about internal parasites in pets, the more common worm mentioned seems to be the heartworm. Heartworms are small and nasty creatures that are able to prove fatal if left neglected. However, there is a variety of other parasites to observe that just as dangerous to the family pet and below is some of the symptoms of parasites in dogs.
Roundworms: Roundworms pass their time drifting inside the lungs, heart and the liver of the dog's body. Once they have matured, they can move on to the small intestines where these parasites will continually feed on the food that the dog eats. Symptoms that your pet might be plagued with roundworms can include bloating, diarrhea, and enormous surges in appetite.
Whipworms: The whipworm is often discovered floating in the large intestine of the dog; this is also, where they can reproduce. A dog easily becomes infested with whipworm from stepping in a dog stool outside, and later on licking that paw. Whipworm symptoms can include an increase in appetite, dry fur, bloody stools, diarrhea, and bloody stools.
Tapeworms: Tapeworms are likely to result in the dog having rectal itching / inflammation, an increased appetite level, noticeable signs of the worms at the orifices of the pet's body, and weight loss. Tapeworm symptoms in dog diarrhea appear like small pieces of white rice and can be witnessed on a dogs stool and on occasion even emerging from areas such as the ears.
Hookworms: The hookworm is often picked up from coming into contact with the facieses from another animal that has been infected. The symptoms of Hookworm in your pet comprise of dry brittle fur, increased appetite, loose stools, and gas. These parasites will pass the time feeding on the food that your dogs are eating, in addition to sucking blood from the dog.
Giardia: The final internal parasite to mention is Giardia, and is often caught in areas of water such as a lake or small pond. Your puppy could easily pick up this parasite from playing in the water, and once ingested, exist and eat the inner lining of the pup's small intestine. The signs of giardia in dogs include bloating, weight loss, mucus covered stools, and inflammation.
Roundworms: Roundworms pass their time drifting inside the lungs, heart and the liver of the dog's body. Once they have matured, they can move on to the small intestines where these parasites will continually feed on the food that the dog eats. Symptoms that your pet might be plagued with roundworms can include bloating, diarrhea, and enormous surges in appetite.
Whipworms: The whipworm is often discovered floating in the large intestine of the dog; this is also, where they can reproduce. A dog easily becomes infested with whipworm from stepping in a dog stool outside, and later on licking that paw. Whipworm symptoms can include an increase in appetite, dry fur, bloody stools, diarrhea, and bloody stools.
Tapeworms: Tapeworms are likely to result in the dog having rectal itching / inflammation, an increased appetite level, noticeable signs of the worms at the orifices of the pet's body, and weight loss. Tapeworm symptoms in dog diarrhea appear like small pieces of white rice and can be witnessed on a dogs stool and on occasion even emerging from areas such as the ears.
Hookworms: The hookworm is often picked up from coming into contact with the facieses from another animal that has been infected. The symptoms of Hookworm in your pet comprise of dry brittle fur, increased appetite, loose stools, and gas. These parasites will pass the time feeding on the food that your dogs are eating, in addition to sucking blood from the dog.
Giardia: The final internal parasite to mention is Giardia, and is often caught in areas of water such as a lake or small pond. Your puppy could easily pick up this parasite from playing in the water, and once ingested, exist and eat the inner lining of the pup's small intestine. The signs of giardia in dogs include bloating, weight loss, mucus covered stools, and inflammation.