- 1). Spend several minutes a day getting to know the cattle. The more time you spend observing your cattle the more likely you will be to notice that one of them isn't feeling well. It isn't enough to simply know what each animal looks like, you have to know each animal's individual quirks and personalities.
- 2). Look at your animal's sides. The first sign of bloat is that the animal will look bloated. Their belly and flanks will be painfully distended. Cattle that are bloated tend to carry their tails so that they are slightly elevated.
- 3). Be aware of an increase in bowel movement. When an animal is starting to bloat there is often an increase in bowel activity for a short period of time followed by an severe decrease in bowel activity.
- 4). Study your animal's expression. When an animal is bloated it will usually carry its head low to the ground, its ears will be limp and its eyes will be glassy.
- 5). Check for dehydration. The discomfort in the first stomach usually puts the animal off of water and the animal will quickly become dehydrated. The best way to see if your animal is becoming dehydrated is to pinch a small amount of skin between your thumb and index finger. When you release the skin, it should return to its smooth appearance in less then three seconds. If the skin still appears pinched after three seconds, the animal is dehydrated.
- 6). Notice if your animal is disinterested in food.
- 7). Using the hind feet to kick straight up at their belly usually means that the animal is uncomfortable and is trying to force gas from the stomach.
- 8). Watch to see if the animal's head is turning and looking at their belly. Some cattle even lick at their sides when they are bloated.
- 9). Animals that are bloated will often get up and lay down several times in a very short time span.