Pets & Animal: Prozac To Stop Cats With Innappropriate Urination

Prozac To Stop Cats With Innappropriate Urination

Inappropriate urination is the # 1 reason for cats being put down, given away, sold and/or abandoned. When it comes to inappropriate urination Vets have used Prozac for cats, to stop the issue of inap

Pets & Animal: What Are Natural Factors?

What Are Natural Factors?

When you walk in the woods, most of what you see, hear, smell and feel is natural. That is, it exists on its own, without having been made or improved upon by humans. The climate, soil, rocks, plants, animals, landforms and water are called the earth's natural factors, or physiography. A campground

Pets & Animal: The Process Of Dog Training For The Blind

The Process Of Dog Training For The Blind

We have all seen guide dogs at work with their owners, and most of us are duly impressed by the amount of dedication, work and focus that this animal exhibits. These dogs...

Pets & Animal: How to Take Good Care of Your Rabbit?

How to Take Good Care of Your Rabbit?

Rabbits are wonderful pets. They not only are very social animals but these animals are fond of humans. Not only this, they require minimal maintenance.

Pets & Animal: Poodle Breeds Have Some Outstanding Qualities

Poodle Breeds Have Some Outstanding Qualities

The standard poodle is a truly a versatile breed and in addition to being excellent water retrievers they have served as guide dogs, in law enforcement…and even competed in the Alaskan Iditarod Sled d

Pets & Animal: 3 Tips For Training Your Golden Retriever

3 Tips For Training Your Golden Retriever

There are many training tips for Golden Retrievers, and training them to use their teeth is the most common. Golden Retriever puppies love to chew, and will chew anything they can get. Although chew toys are preferred, there is a way that you can help your Golden Retriever to fulfill their natural i

Pets & Animal: Diet of a Squid

Diet of a Squid

A hungry squid is a ruthless and highly efficient carnivore. Its muscular arms are covered along their length by suckers which help the squid first seize, and then envelop, its prey. The squid then uses its beak to chop up the food prior to eating it. This process is assisted by the radula -- a tong

Pets & Animal: Getting a Puppy? Make the Right Choice

Getting a Puppy? Make the Right Choice

We all love a sweet, cuddly-faced puppy. Who wouldn't? But those little bundles of joy grow up and we must make an informed decision in order to have a happy household. Each breed of dog ...

Pets & Animal: The Secrets To Successful Koi Carp Fish Care

The Secrets To Successful Koi Carp Fish Care

Loved all over the world for their vibrant colors and long living, Koi carp fish are absolutely wonderful additions to an outdoor pond. They are exceptionally popular and populate millions of outdoor

Pets & Animal: Hamster Cage Cleaning and Care

Hamster Cage Cleaning and Care

A hamster is a domesticated animal that belongs to the rodent family. Hamster is now a household pet that many people particularly kids love to take care of. Like other pets, hamsters seek attention and need training to become tame and friendlier to humans. If you decide to pick a hamster as a pet,

Pets & Animal: Kitten Care Tips

Kitten Care Tips

Kitten care is an amazing experience. As we raise our cat from a young age, the chances are your cat will become friendly and self-indulgent who return love. But to keep cat's health - we want it gets proper treatment.

Pets & Animal: Take Your Dog's Bed Seriously

Take Your Dog's Bed Seriously

Proper support in a bed is important for good sleep and good health. It is no less important for your dog or pet. There are lots of dog bed choices, top quality and choices not as desirable.

Pets & Animal: Building an Outdoor Pen for Pet Box Turtles

Building an Outdoor Pen for Pet Box Turtles

Box turtles unquestionably do best if kept in a large outdoor pen rather than an indoor terrarium. Here are some tips on setting up an outdoor pet for pet box turtles.

Pets & Animal: Tree Snail Facts

Tree Snail Facts

The term "tree snail" is used to describe any land-dwelling and air breathing snail that is commonly found in trees. Tree snails are mollusks, closely related to other snails and slugs.

Pets & Animal: 7 Interesting and Unique Pets

7 Interesting and Unique Pets

Many people have chosen to share their life with a pet. Pets definitely add much to our lives, companionship, service and even entertainment. While most people think of dogs, cats or horses as pets th

Pets & Animal: Which Animals Do You Like?

Which Animals Do You Like?

Its well known that one can make quite true conclusion about a person, looking at his pet. But few of us know that well-marked antipathy for some or other kind of domestic animals also means a lot. We offer your attention a short manual on psychology of admirers and opponents of different kinds of d