Kitten care is an amazing experience. As we raise our cat from a young age, the chances are your cat will become friendly and self-indulgent who return love. But to keep cat's health - we want it gets proper treatment.
The recommended age for adoption is eight weeks. Kitten at this age is no longer needed breast milk and begin to show signs of independence. If you adopted an orphaned kitty is still nursing, there are several rules you need to fill out to be a substitute mother.
Nursing care
you need to purchased a kitten milk replacer. If you do not find it, you can use baby formula, but it has to make a double concentration of pollen. The kitty has a special bottle feed the cats. Hygiene should be maintained and not leaving a residue bottle of milk that might be missed. Cat a few days old should be eating every 2-3 hours.
Mother cat licks the puppy to stimulate it to defecate. You should mimic this by rubbing the anus and genitals with cotton wool moist, until it had to relieve himself alone in a sand.
kitty is unable to regulate his body temperature. So care must warm bedding and a hot water bottle (careful not to cause burns).
Treatment from age one month on:
The occasion of his month, the kitty visit the veterinary hospital to an ophthalmologist. Your veterinarian will check the health status and development, and give it deworming. At six weeks, when the kitty reaches 3 lb. weight, it will receive the vaccine first in a series of three vaccinations.
At one month, go dry kitten food, it can soften the water. Also, can give tuna in water, boiled chicken and white cheese. Residue must be removed uneaten wet food, food for fear of backsliding. Has to offer live dry food and fresh water freely. We must not give the bones, milk and snacks.
Living space:
Do not tak the kitty out of home after the vaccine becose of fear of deadly infectious diseases . Should be prepared to live and a litter bin and place it in an accessible place. Have to clean the box and replace the sand in which every few days.
Most cats keep them clean and do not have to clean them, but if very dirty kitty can be obtained with a wet. Do not wash your kitty in any way for fear of pneumonia.
Material is recommended for use Frontline spray, safety for use from age 7 weeks. If your cat is younger than you should consult your veterinarian.
How do I know if my kitty sick?
Young kitties are with weak immune systems, and deteriorating medical condition of a sick kitty is very fast. You should immediately contact your veterinarian if any of the following is revealed: lack of appetite, depression, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, nasal secretions, or eyes, abdominal bloating.
Good luck!
The recommended age for adoption is eight weeks. Kitten at this age is no longer needed breast milk and begin to show signs of independence. If you adopted an orphaned kitty is still nursing, there are several rules you need to fill out to be a substitute mother.
Nursing care
you need to purchased a kitten milk replacer. If you do not find it, you can use baby formula, but it has to make a double concentration of pollen. The kitty has a special bottle feed the cats. Hygiene should be maintained and not leaving a residue bottle of milk that might be missed. Cat a few days old should be eating every 2-3 hours.
Mother cat licks the puppy to stimulate it to defecate. You should mimic this by rubbing the anus and genitals with cotton wool moist, until it had to relieve himself alone in a sand.
kitty is unable to regulate his body temperature. So care must warm bedding and a hot water bottle (careful not to cause burns).
Treatment from age one month on:
The occasion of his month, the kitty visit the veterinary hospital to an ophthalmologist. Your veterinarian will check the health status and development, and give it deworming. At six weeks, when the kitty reaches 3 lb. weight, it will receive the vaccine first in a series of three vaccinations.
At one month, go dry kitten food, it can soften the water. Also, can give tuna in water, boiled chicken and white cheese. Residue must be removed uneaten wet food, food for fear of backsliding. Has to offer live dry food and fresh water freely. We must not give the bones, milk and snacks.
Living space:
Do not tak the kitty out of home after the vaccine becose of fear of deadly infectious diseases . Should be prepared to live and a litter bin and place it in an accessible place. Have to clean the box and replace the sand in which every few days.
Most cats keep them clean and do not have to clean them, but if very dirty kitty can be obtained with a wet. Do not wash your kitty in any way for fear of pneumonia.
Material is recommended for use Frontline spray, safety for use from age 7 weeks. If your cat is younger than you should consult your veterinarian.
How do I know if my kitty sick?
Young kitties are with weak immune systems, and deteriorating medical condition of a sick kitty is very fast. You should immediately contact your veterinarian if any of the following is revealed: lack of appetite, depression, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, nasal secretions, or eyes, abdominal bloating.
Good luck!