- Cat litter can be hazardous to your rabbitImage by Flickr.com, courtesy of Stefano Mortellaro
Avoid clumping or dusty kitty litters, which can cause serious health problems if eaten. According to the House Rabbit Society, clumping litters clog the rabbit's digestive system and harm the respiratory tract. Autopsies have shown that rabbit intestines actually have been cut as the clay particles pass through. - Clumping litter is made from clay bentonite. Signs that your rabbit may suffer from bentonite toxicity due to ingestion include lethargy, weakness and anemia.
- Wood shavings is not recommended for rabbit litterImage by Flickr.com, courtesy of Paul Friel
Avoid litter made from cedar, pine or other wood shavings. The shavings contain phenol and other volatile organic compounds which manufacturers claim produces a pleasant smell to mask odors, but the chemicals may actually kill your bunny. They can cause respiratory problems such as pneumonia when inhaled. In addition, the House Rabbit Society discovered that a significant number of rabbits that use the shavings as bedding die from liver damage. - Newspapers can be used as litterImage by Flickr.com, courtesy of Kevin Dooley
Litter safe for rabbits should be made from all-natural products with no perfumes or chemicals. The House Rabbit Society recommends litter made from alfalfa and oats. Newspapers can also be used as litter. The only drawback is that they are not as absorbent. - You may need to experiment with various brands before finding the one you and your rabbit like the best.
Clay cat litter
Symptoms of Toxicity
Wood Shavings
Safe Litter for Rabbits