Pets & Animal: How to Care for a Longhair Cat

How to Care for a Longhair Cat

Longhair cats can be so adorable, but they also require high maintenance. You have to take care of that coat frequently to avoid matting and the harmful skin conditions that it may cause. Proper care is especially important if your cat prefers the outdoors, as tree sap and dirt is more easily trappe

Pets & Animal: Veterinarians And Your Pets

Veterinarians And Your Pets

Veterinarians are the most important people in the world if you own a dog or a cat, or any other type of pet. They'll be you and your pet's best friend, and they'll stick with you through thick and thin. They won't mind so much when your pet nearly claws their skin off when it�

Pets & Animal: Top Tips For Choosing the Proper Pet Care

Top Tips For Choosing the Proper Pet Care

No matter whether your pet is injured, ill or just needing some routine veterinary care, you'll need a good animal hospital that is able to provide appropriate veterinary attention. Before you decide to take your pet to a particular animal hospital, it's always a good idea to look into var

Pets & Animal: October is Pet Wellness Month

October is Pet Wellness Month

Many people are not aware of the fact that October is pet wellness month. The entire month is dedicated to educating owners on the importance of preventing diseases and taking their pets to the veteri

Pets & Animal: Exotic Pet Names - Z

Exotic Pet Names - Z

Browse pet names submitted to the site starting with the letter Z.

Pets & Animal: Elderly Cats

Elderly Cats

This article takes a look at Elderly cats and asks, what can be done about the various behavioral issues that may arise.

Pets & Animal: First Aid Supplies For Dogs You Should Know About

First Aid Supplies For Dogs You Should Know About

Every dog owner should know a few things about applying basic medical care for their canine. Some injuries and illness may require you to use some important first aid supplies for dogs. Put together these items for keeping on hand for those times your dog may need them.

Pets & Animal: Bouie


Bouie - Raccoon Photo

Pets & Animal: Labrador Training-Must Know Things

Labrador Training-Must Know Things

During the Labrador training session, the training must be of fun and rewarding. You should remember what you want and what your Labrador want. Deciding about what really you and your dog want, there must ...

Pets & Animal: A Guide for Those Planning To Buy a Dog House

A Guide for Those Planning To Buy a Dog House

Dog is an essential accessory if you plan to keep the dog outdoors. To ensure the best deals, make sure to consider a few tips. How big should be the: One of the most common ...

Pets & Animal: Is Hermit Crab the Right Pet for You?

Is Hermit Crab the Right Pet for You?

Hermit crabs are often mistaken as being solitary animals due to their moniker. The hermit term actually comes from the way the crab chooses to make its home and not from any anti social behavioral ...

Pets & Animal: How to Handle a Whining Puppy

How to Handle a Whining Puppy

It can be really nice to have a puppy at home that you can play with but raising an obedient puppy needs a lot of effort and responsibilities. Raising a puppy includes teaching him good habits for him

Pets & Animal: How to Recognize the Signs of Bovine Bloat

How to Recognize the Signs of Bovine Bloat

A cow, calf, steer, or bull can get bovine bloat, a medical condition where gases have built up in the animal's first stomach. As the gases continue to build up the animal becomes increasingly uncomfortable. When left untreated, the animal will die. The best way to prevent bloat from killing your he

Pets & Animal: Excellent Guinea Pig Gifts!

Excellent Guinea Pig Gifts!

You would never think to get your pets gifts would you? Well if you have a guinea pig a new gift can go a long way to creating a deeper bond with them while also creating excitement for them. Here are a few ideas that might make gift giving as simple as abc.

Pets & Animal: Anaconda Snakes: Habitat And Appearance Explained!

Anaconda Snakes: Habitat And Appearance Explained!

Everyone has some idea about the Anaconda snakes. Most will know that such reptile is the huge snake that's enormous, lives in marshlands and is a deadly hunter. But actually most do not know how big