Pets & Animal Pets & Animal

October is Pet Wellness Month

Many people are not aware of the fact that October is pet wellness month.  The entire month is dedicated to educating owners on the importance of preventing diseases and taking their pets to the veterinarian on a regular basis.

Most vets suggest owners take their pets for a thorough examination at least twice every year.  Doing so will help the vet detect any major health concerns as early as possible.  Conditions which are caught early will usually be far easier to treat.  They can often be stopped from becoming life-threatening if they are of the more serious type.

Most veterinarians go down a checklist asking you questions about your pet's behavior, living environment, and any health problems.  This will help determine if there are any specific problems to check for.  There are separate checklists for cats and dogs since they are quite different.

Dogs age much faster than humans so health conditions can form and become a major problem very quickly.  It is best for owners to check their dogs themselves every week or two to see if there are any noticeable signs of problems.

When you take your dog to the doctor, it is most important for them to receive immunization shots.  The veterinarian will also check for parasites such as heartworms.  Since dental problems can also become a concern an oral exam will also be performed.

As your dog ages it become even more important for your dog to receive wellness exams.  Just like humans, the incidence of diseases occurring gets higher as they get older.  The veterinarian will check for osteoarthritis in particular.  Other problematic areas include the thyroid and chest.

Cat owners will also need regular exams for their pets.  Cats up to six years old will need regular immunization boosters.  They may also be affected by parasites like heartworms.  As with dogs, a dental health exam will also likely be performed.

Cats will need even more monitoring as they age.  Renal disease is one of the main concerns as is osteoarthritis.  The veterinarian will also need to check your cat's blood pressure and thyroid as he or she gets older.

As October approaches, owners should be aware that it serves as Pet Wellness Month.  Every owner needs to be aware of their responsibilities as far as their pet's health is concerned.  Make sure you take your dog or cat to the vet for a thorough examination at least twice each and every year.
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