Pets & Animal: Instructions for Making Pet Jewelry

Instructions for Making Pet Jewelry

Pets may be a way to improve health, including reducing stress, calming anxiety and improving social interaction, accoring to Animals have become much more than "the family pet" in many households and are often showered with love, attention and gifts just as human family memb

Pets & Animal: Cat Tips

Cat Tips

Cats can make a house feel like a home. Feline friends are generally affectionate and undemanding in comparison to their canine counterparts. Although largely independent, your cat will rely on you for a few important things. It is crucial that you cater to its needs to ensure it remains happy and h

Pets & Animal: What Can I Feed an Elderly Cat?

What Can I Feed an Elderly Cat?

When cats reach an advanced age, they may experience a change in their health needs. Maintaining a healthy older cat begins with feeding proper nutrition. An individual cat's physical condition will determine what that particular cat needs, but owners of senior cats can follow some general guideline

Pets & Animal: Colourpoint Ragdoll Cats

Colourpoint Ragdoll Cats

Ragdoll cats, a special breed of cat known mainly for the 'ragdoll' temperament when they 'flop' around your house and when you hold them, come in many different colours and markings. Colourpoint is a very popular colour, meaning the points - the face, feet, ears; tails, of the c

Pets & Animal: In Picking the Right Cat Food, You Have to Do One Thing

In Picking the Right Cat Food, You Have to Do One Thing

Are you having trouble picking out cat food to feed your pet? Well, it's true that some cats are hard to please. But if you know the secret, then you will have no troubles. If you want to know what it is, read on!

Pets & Animal: Diabetes in Young Cats

Diabetes in Young Cats

Diabetes is a disease where the pancreas does not produce enough insulin. Affecting cats, dogs and humans, diabetes cannot be cured. However, knowing about the disease can allow pet owners to help their cat have the best life possible.

Pets & Animal: Real Food for Cats

Real Food for Cats

Cats have dietary need just like humans. By giving them a balanced diet of proteins, and vitamins they will be able to lead a healthy life. Nowadays cats are considered a domesticated animal, but they have not always been this way.

Pets & Animal: What Are the Symptoms of Thyroid Disease in Cats?

What Are the Symptoms of Thyroid Disease in Cats?

Thyroid disease is all too common in aging cats. In fact, veterinarian Hal E. Ott of the Cat Thyroid Center in Ruskin, Fla. estimates that 20 percent of cats over age eight are hyperthyroid. Hyperthyroidism causes a cat's metabolism to work faster and faster, taking a toll on the heart and kidneys.

Pets & Animal: Pros & Cons of Rabies Vaccinations for Cats

Pros & Cons of Rabies Vaccinations for Cats

A cat image by RUZANNA ARUTYUNYAN from Fotolia.comRabies is a deadly disease caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system of mammals. Spread through the saliva of an infected animal, the disease usually is fatal, say experts with the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)....

Pets & Animal: Aminophylline for Cats

Aminophylline for Cats

Does your cat have long periods of time when it seems like he's having trouble breathing? Does it look like his chest tightens up and he struggles to suck in air? Your cat could have feline asthma, which is chronic inflammation of the lungs. Or he could be sick with bronchitis or worse, emphysema. T

Pets & Animal: How to Coax a Cat Out of Shyness

How to Coax a Cat Out of Shyness

Cats are naturally shy animals. Some cats become friendly household pets, while others shy away from human contact. A hesitant cat can be coaxed out of shyness. Cats taken away from their mothers before eight weeks old, cats without sufficient human contact, cats that come from shelters or cats that

Pets & Animal: The Litter Box Reveals a Healthy Cat

The Litter Box Reveals a Healthy Cat

If you have a cat, there are numerous issues which can be wrong with them which may not be obvious to you straight away. You'd normally take your furry friend in to the veterinarian's office should they all of a sudden have absolutely no energy or were throwing up continuously throughout y

Pets & Animal: How to Cure Your Cat's Cold?

How to Cure Your Cat's Cold?

Cats are cute, adorable and lovable. But like all other pets, you as the owner or pet lover should know how to recognize if your pet is ill.

Pets & Animal: Cat Urinary Syndrome Treatment

Cat Urinary Syndrome Treatment

Cat urinary syndrome is properly known as feline lower urinary tract disease, and at one point was known as feline urological syndrome. Essentially, this condition is an inflammation of the bladder, and it can cause great discomfort for your cat. Knowing more about the treatment for cat urinary synd

Pets & Animal: Home Remedy to Help Cystitis in Cats

Home Remedy to Help Cystitis in Cats

Cats, like humans, are susceptible to internal infections. Urinary tract infections are some of the most common in cats, and they include cystitis, an irritation of the bladder. While veterinary treatment should be considered, home remedies are alternative ways to help treat cystitis in your pet. Ho

Pets & Animal: 3 Ways to Evaluate Cat Problem Behavior - Urinating

3 Ways to Evaluate Cat Problem Behavior - Urinating

Many cat owners believe that urinating outside the litter box is a behavioral problem, but often, and likely (especially in male cats) it is a medical problem. Here are 3 ways to evaluate inappropriate urinating.

Pets & Animal: How to Make a Cat Holster at Home

How to Make a Cat Holster at Home

Cat holsters can be a great way to keep track of your cat. When attached to a leash, cat holsters make a harness that allows your cat to roam, while still keeping it close by. Holsters are much less likely than a conventional collar and leash to choke the cat by pulling. Making your own cat holster

Pets & Animal: Cats & Stomach Tumors

Cats & Stomach Tumors

The stomach is a muscular organ that secretes acids and enzymes as part of the process of digestion. There are several types of tumors that can affect a cat's stomach lining. Some of these tumors are benign while others are cancerous and can be fatal. The causes of these tumors can be environmental

Pets & Animal: No Cat Is An Island

No Cat Is An Island

It's often been thought that cats are of such a self-sufficient nature that they need no one to be happy; that cats are aloof, snooty and independent, content to just sleep, be fed and petted occasionally. Perhaps this is the view of those who either don't like cats or have had no experien

Pets & Animal: Container Cats Picture Gallery: Pippin-in-a-Box

Container Cats Picture Gallery: Pippin-in-a-Box

Cats are noted for their propensity of seeking out places to hide - places not originally intended for cats, such as kitchen sinks, boxes, baskets, slippers, and such. We've put together a photo gallery of container cats - pictures guaranteed to bring a smile.