Pets & Animal: Want to Write About Cats?

Want to Write About Cats?

Writing books about cats is a challenging goal, but with a firm background in the English language, a thorough knowledge of cats, a way with words, tons of reading and writing, and a willingness to expend your time, money, and passion, it is possible to achieve success as a cat writer.

Pets & Animal: Fighting Feline Gastric Cancer the Natural Way

Fighting Feline Gastric Cancer the Natural Way

Feline gastric cancer is a relatively rare health threat, but when it does strike it can be particularly deadly.It happens most often in older cats but can strike at any age and is difficult to diagnose as the symptoms tend to mimic those of other disorders.As with most forms of feline cancer, the b

Pets & Animal: American Shorthair Breed Standards

American Shorthair Breed Standards

According to the Cat Fanciers' Association, the American shorthair consistently ranks as one of the top 10 most popular breeds of cat. Cat shows use breed standards to describe the ideal specimen for each breed. These standards allow judges to evaluate the breed accurately and with enough flexibilit

Pets & Animal: Some Excellent Cat Training Tips

Some Excellent Cat Training Tips

Many people believe that it is pretty much impossible to train a cat. However, while it may be a lot more difficult to train a cat than a dog, for example, this doesn't mean it is impossible.

Pets & Animal: No More Ruined Furniture - Get a Cat Tree

No More Ruined Furniture - Get a Cat Tree

A cat tree can save your furniture and keep your kitty entertained. Because scratching is such an instinctive behavior, it's almost impossible to get a cat to stop scratching entirely. Your best bet is to redirect your kitty's attention to a scratching post, or one that includes areas for

Pets & Animal: Are You Allergic to Cats?

Are You Allergic to Cats?

A cat allergy is extremely common in humans. You may even own a cat that gives you no allergy but later find out that you are allergic to other people's cats. Human show an allergic reaction to at least five different allergens that cats produce.

Pets & Animal: Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Sammy 2

Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Sammy 2

Is your cat the cutest cat in the world? is pleased to announce the Cutest Cat Picture Contest. Please read the rules carefully, then submit your Cutest Cat photo by following these Guidelines.

Pets & Animal: The Best Way to Remove Cat Urine Smell from Carpet

The Best Way to Remove Cat Urine Smell from Carpet

Your cat may have had an accident, or it may have "missed the mark" while in the litter box. Cat urine can leave a stain and a very foul odor on the carpet. This odor may even linger after you have successfully removed the urine stain from the carpet. A combination of different items that you may al

Pets & Animal: Cat Care & Liver Function

Cat Care & Liver Function

Understanding the basics of cat liver function and the organ's role is important for providing quality care. Though liver cancer is rare in cats, other liver diseases can lead to a poorer quality of life and even death. Since the liver has regenerative capabilities, however, poor liver function, if

Pets & Animal: How to Train Your Cat Not to Pee on the Carpet

How to Train Your Cat Not to Pee on the Carpet

If you want to train your cat to stop peeing on the carpet, then there are 3 proven techniques that you need to know. Specifically, we're going to talk about cleaning the carpet thoroughly, how to use aversion techniques and The Tinfoil Trick. I will explain each of these techniques in this art

Pets & Animal: Arthritis Relief for Cats

Arthritis Relief for Cats

If your cat is getting on in years, you may notice that it walks a bit more slowly, doesn't leap as well, and seems to take a deep breath before climbing stairs. Cats hide their signs of aging and illness extremely well; it goes back to their pre-domesticated existence as small forest animals that c

Pets & Animal: Chronic Herpes Virus in Cats

Chronic Herpes Virus in Cats

The feline herpes virus is one of the main culprits of ocular and respiratory infections in cats. A herpes infection is, by its very definition, a chronic condition. Once cats are infected with herpes, they will struggle against outbreaks for the rest of their lives. Learn to recognize the symptoms

Pets & Animal: What Are the Causes of Premature Gray Hair in Dogs?

What Are the Causes of Premature Gray Hair in Dogs?

Premature graying of hairs is a common problem in dogs. Generally, this is not a serious health issue of dogs. Yet, in some cases, dogs might be subjected to serious health concerns. Therefore, it is always wise to note the causes of premature graying of hairs in dogs and the possible treatment for

Pets & Animal: Cat Urine Removal

Cat Urine Removal

Nothing is safe when a cat decides to urinate outside of the litter box. Sometimes it seems like cats have a talent for finding the worse places to urinate. They will also urinate in out-of-the-way spots, leaving you searching desperately to locate the cause of the odor.

Pets & Animal: Should You Get a Cat, Or a Kitten?

Should You Get a Cat, Or a Kitten?

Kittens are, without a doubt, some of the cutest little critters on the planet. And they are loads of fun, too.

Pets & Animal: How to Stop Cats From Having Seizures

How to Stop Cats From Having Seizures

Many people do not realize that cats have seizures. Vets report that feline seizures are the most common neurological disorder in cats. Cats often have seizures for the same reasons that humans have them. It is important to understand what might cause a cat to have seizures and how to prevent them f

Pets & Animal: How to Prevent Your Cat's Bladder Stones by Changing Her Diet

How to Prevent Your Cat's Bladder Stones by Changing Her Diet

If your cat's bladder stones are continuing to cause her grief you may find that changing her diet is the fastest route to recovery. Minerals in her food and water can promote bladder stones in cats so reducing those minerals can prevent repeated problems.

Pets & Animal: Thank Goodness for Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds!

Thank Goodness for Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds!

Thanks to hypoallergenic cat breeds, everyone can enjoy the affection that a purring friend can offer. It is a fact that humans live longer, healthier and happier lives when they have an animal companion. Unfortunately, allergies trouble a large percentage of the population but that doesn't mea

Pets & Animal: Polydactyl Cats Picture Gallery: Polly

Polydactyl Cats Picture Gallery: Polly

Whether called "polydactyls," "Hemingway Cats," or "Mittens," these many-toed cats warm the hearts and hearths of those people fortunate to share a home with one. The extra toes on polydactyl cats produce very wide feet which have been variously described as resembling