Pets & Animal: Protect Your Cat from Household Dangers

Protect Your Cat from Household Dangers

There may be as many as 100 household chemicals in your home that could make your cat seriously ill. Learn how to recognize and protect your cat from household dangers.

Pets & Animal: How to Stop a Feral Cat From Marking My Yard

How to Stop a Feral Cat From Marking My Yard

Nothing is more likely to ruin a budding friendship between a feral cat and a human than the sight of the cat spraying everywhere in the yard. To the cat, spraying makes perfect sense. It's his way of letting the rest of the world know the yard belongs to him. While you might not be able to keep the

Pets & Animal: Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Nena

Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Nena

Is your cat the cutest cat in the world? is pleased to announce the Cutest Cat Picture Contest. Please read the rules carefully, then submit your Cutest Cat photo by following these Guidelines.

Pets & Animal: How to Test a Cat's Vision

How to Test a Cat's Vision

If you suspect that your cat is having trouble seeing, you may wonder how you can be sure. Of course, you could take the cat to the vet, but that could be expensive and ultimately unnecessary. If you are worried about your cat's vision, there are a few steps you can take to determine if there is a s

Pets & Animal: Chronic Kidney Failure in Cats

Chronic Kidney Failure in Cats

Chronic kidney failure or chronic renal failure (CRF) are terms that refer to a condition in which the kidneys are no longer able to properly filter out waste. If left untreated, CRF can slowly poison the cat. Kidney failure affects cats of any age or breed; however, most often senior cats that are

Pets & Animal: Cats VS Dogs

Cats VS Dogs

Most cats and dogs are docile animals in general. Obviously, they both have four legs, fur, sharp teeth and tails, but they both make great pets. Both animal types are very loyal to their owners. These animals carry fleas and ticks and most breeds shed hair all over the house.

Pets & Animal: How to Make Your Own Cat Food

How to Make Your Own Cat Food

Diet is one of the most important factors in the health of any creature. More and more concerned cat owners are abandoning easy, but perhaps detrimental, canned and bagged cat food products in favor of freshly prepared meals.

Pets & Animal: Safe OTC Medications for Cats

Safe OTC Medications for Cats

When we get a runny nose, feel a little car sick or get an itchy skin rash, any number of over-the-counter (OTC) medications can quickly stop these symptoms. Unfortunately, drugs that are perfectly safe for people, can be deadly for our pets. There are some OTC medications that are...

Pets & Animal: There Are a Set of the Best Methods For Toilet Training Cats - Follow Them

There Are a Set of the Best Methods For Toilet Training Cats - Follow Them

If you have a new addition to your household in the form of a cat or kitten then it is essential to house train them as otherwise you will end up with surprises hidden throughout your home. The process of litter tray and toilet training cats and kittens can be a long and tedious process; you will ne

Pets & Animal: Catnip Oil

Catnip Oil

Catnip oil comes from the leaves of the catnip plant, by extracting the essential oil that is produced in the upper layer of the plant. This is a treat for cats, and you and your feline friend can have hours of (often) silly fun. It can also be used to soothe and relax your pet.

Pets & Animal: Geoffrey's Cat

Geoffrey's Cat

The most common wild cat of South America, Geoffrey's cat, alongside puma, is one of the most southerly of all cats. Discovered by the nineteenth century French naturalist Geoffrey St Hilaire, it is nearly the size of a domestic cat with length nearing two feet (excluding a one foot tail) and w

Pets & Animal: White Lions: Myths and Reality

White Lions: Myths and Reality

Rumors of pure White Lions have existed in the African oral tradition for centuries, but have often been dismissed as superstition.It has been part of African folklore and according to legend white lions were children of the Sun God, sent to earth as gifts. And the only place on earth where they hav

Pets & Animal: Bast, the Beloved Protector of Cats

Bast, the Beloved Protector of Cats

She is the protector of cats, women and children. The ancient Egyptians celebrated her feastday on October 31 with convivial merry making, music, dancing in the streets and drinking with friends - the sort of holiday we would recognise instantly. A great week-long festival was held in the holy city

Pets & Animal: How Best to Bottle-Feed Kittens

How Best to Bottle-Feed Kittens

Ideally, newborn kittens will have a mother cat to feed them. Sometimes, though, there are situations in which a mother cat is unable to feed her babies, or may not be present to care for them. In such cases, you can ensure that the kittens get the nutrition they need by bottle-feeding them kitten f

Pets & Animal: Will Probiotics Help Cat Vomiting?

Will Probiotics Help Cat Vomiting?

Whether probiotics will benefit a cat who is vomiting will vary based on the cat's individual situation. Animals react differently to medications and supplements than a person would. Therefore, understanding what probiotics are, as well as how they affect the animal, is critical for best helping yo

Pets & Animal: Katy


Cats Being Cats Picture Gallery, featuring a picture of Katy

Pets & Animal: 5 Things That You Need To Know And Do Before Getting A Kitten

5 Things That You Need To Know And Do Before Getting A Kitten

For many animal lovers, it would be a dream to have a lovely small ball of furry kitten in their home. However, getting a kitten is a responsibility not just to the pet owner but also to the other members of his household. Though there are many considerations that you have to make before getting a k

Pets & Animal: Home Dental Care for Cats

Home Dental Care for Cats

It is just as important for cats to have the proper dental care as it is for humans. Cats can get toothaches, sores, rotting teeth, and gum disease. Unfortunately, it can be difficult for a cat to communicate what is going on. According to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), dental care

Pets & Animal: Cat Door Ideas

Cat Door Ideas

If you own a cat that likes to roam inside the house as well as out, installing a cat door can provide benefits to both you and your cat. You will not have to open the door or even be at home for your cat to exit, and your cat will experience greater freedom. With many different options...

Pets & Animal: Why Does a Cat Roll Over on Its Back When it Sees You?

Why Does a Cat Roll Over on Its Back When it Sees You?

Whenever you walk into a room where a cat is lying down asleep on the floor and you greet it with some friendly words, it may react by rolling over on its back, extending its legs as far as they'll go, yawning, exercising its claws and gently flipping the tip of its tail. As the animal performs