Pets & Animal: Homemade Foods That Cats Love

Homemade Foods That Cats Love

Cats -- notorious for their meticulous eating habits -- choose their foods carefully. What a cat sinks its teeth into, however, is not always beneficial to her health. Certain homemade foods are more favorable to the well-being of our furry friends because they provide the nutrition regimen Mother N

Pets & Animal: Love's Healing Power

Love's Healing Power

When I lost my beloved pet cat, Baxter three months ago I kept telling myself that time heals all wounds. After all isn't that what we're told from the time we get our first 'boo boo'? But, as the hours turned into days and the days turned into weeks, and the initial agonizing pa

Pets & Animal: The Effects of MSM Supplements in Cats

The Effects of MSM Supplements in Cats

Feeling better with MSMcats 2 image by Dusan Radivojevic from Fotolia.comMethyl Sulfonyl Methane, or MSM, is used by humans and their pets to alleviate the symptoms of arthritis and other conditions. Unlike many other supplements, MSM is safe for cats. Known as biological sulfur, MSM...

Pets & Animal: What Exactly Does The Warranty On Your Cat Furniture Cover?

What Exactly Does The Warranty On Your Cat Furniture Cover?

So your cat tree came with a warranty, but what does it cover? The dog chewed up one of the scratching posts on your cat tree, is that covered under warranty? Your significant other sat on one of the shelves or perches and it broke into several pieces, can you get that shelf replaced under warranty?

Pets & Animal: How to Use Crystal Cat Litter

How to Use Crystal Cat Litter

Silica gel cat litter, also known as "crystal litter," is gaining popularity among many cat owners. It is the most absorbent of any litter material and does an excellent job of controlling both moisture and odor in the litter box. Because its consistency is different than most litters, you may need

Pets & Animal: Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Mittens

Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Mittens

Cutest Cat Contestant Mittens. Is your cat the cutest cat in the world? is pleased to announce the Cutest Cat Picture Contest. Please read the rules carefully, then submit your Cutest Cat photo by following these Guidelines.

Pets & Animal: About Orphaned Kittens

About Orphaned Kittens

It seems to happen when you least expect it. You're outside, bringing the groceries in or mowing the grass when you see a lone kitten staring up at you. The mother and father are nowhere to be seen, and the kitten lets out a sad cry. An orphaned kitten has just found you.

Pets & Animal: Compelling Cases for Souls of Animals

Compelling Cases for Souls of Animals

Do animals have souls? Those of us who have lost cats or other pets to death have for years found comfort in the concept of the Rainbow Bridge, and we believe we will be reunited with our animals in the hereafter. Some religious clergy take issue with this concept, teaching that only humans have sou

Pets & Animal: How To Keep a Cat From Eating House Plants

How To Keep a Cat From Eating House Plants

Nobody knows for sure why cats enjoy eating houseplants. After all, cats are carnivorous creatures and therefore should find leafy greens unappealing. Some experts theorize that the plants may aid in a cat's digestion by providing fiber, while others theorize that eating plants may just provide a fe

Pets & Animal: How to Prevent Cat Pregnancy

How to Prevent Cat Pregnancy

Female cats may enter heat several times during a breeding season. When a female cat is in heat, she is fertile and will make every effort to find a male cat in order to reproduce. A heat period lasts for between 5 and 14 days, and during that time, even if she is less than a year old, she is capabl

Pets & Animal: How to Stop a Cat From Hunting

How to Stop a Cat From Hunting

Cats are hunters by nature. They enjoy catching prey and bring it home as "gifts." According to the British Broadcasting Corporation, the average pet cat kills 40 small creatures per year. While the hunting instinct is inbred in cats, that doesn't mean you should let your cat hunt all the time. Whil

Pets & Animal: Medical Information for Cat Injuries

Medical Information for Cat Injuries

Although cats are agile and surefooted, they can become injured. The severity and type of injury will dictate the treatment required to get him back on his feet again. Injuries can occur by way of trauma, poisoning or from underlying medical conditions such as epilepsy. The idea behind treating a

Pets & Animal: How Did This Cat Make My House Look Like a Crime Scene?

How Did This Cat Make My House Look Like a Crime Scene?

Those people sharing a home with a cat may already know that sometimes they can develop allergies which make them very very itchy. This happened to one of my cats, and this is the process of elimination I went through to finally find what I think is the solution.

Pets & Animal: Your Guide to Feline UTI Prevention With Homeopathy

Your Guide to Feline UTI Prevention With Homeopathy

Feline UTI prevention with homeopathy is growing in popularity because pet owners are starting to realize that preventative care is the best way to keep their cats healthy and happy and add years to their lives. In this article, you'll learn how to combine a sound diet with a good quality homeo

Pets & Animal: Ace


Cats Being Cats Picture Gallery, featuring Ace.

Pets & Animal: Feline Herpes Infections

Feline Herpes Infections

Feline herpes is also known as FVH-1, feline viral rhinopneumonitis and the rhinotracheitis virus, and is a virus that can cause serious health problems for cats. A common disease, it spreads very quickly among cats. Once a cat has feline herpes, it will continue to be a carrier for the rest of its

Pets & Animal: Natural Treatment For Feline Bladder Infections

Natural Treatment For Feline Bladder Infections

Feline bladder infections are a recurring problem. The medical term "cystitis", which means inflammation of the bladder, is common among both the male and female species. Usually, antibiotics are used to treat the condition but natural treatments are also available. What are the natural tr

Pets & Animal: What are Complications of Cat Neutering?

What are Complications of Cat Neutering?

Most cats recover from a neuter surgery very well, though some experience image by Lori Boggetti from Fotolia.comNeutering your cat can be very beneficial to his health. Neutering eliminates roaming, spraying and fights in 90 percent of male cats, according to the...

Pets & Animal: Coon Cat Information

Coon Cat Information

Coon cats are the largest of the domesticated cats and the most people-friendly. The coon cat is a natural breed. It developed naturally without human help, unlike other breeds that were the result of intentionally breeding one cat from one breed to one of another. Therefore, the coon cat is natural

Pets & Animal: How to Stop a Cat From Voiding on Objects Left on the Floor

How to Stop a Cat From Voiding on Objects Left on the Floor

Cats spray (or void on) objects around the house in order to mark their territory. They may feel the need to do so due to a number of factors -- another cat or animal in the home or stress, for instance. This action is your cat's way of telling you that it either feels the need to defend its territo