- Brown rice is an ideal source of grain that is a healthy part of most mammals' diets. The grain from dry cat food is typically grain-gone-bad, as it may contain unwanted bits intended for human cereal products. You wouldn't feed your cat bad cereal, so why feed her store-bought cat food? Brown rice is a much healthier source of grain that your cat will enjoy in moderation.
- Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they are naturally inclined to survive on an almost purely meat basis. Canned and dry foods do not supply the animal-based protein cats organically crave. Cooked boneless beef -- such as ground or roast beef -- is one way to get your cat back to its natural roots of dietary fulfillment the way nature intended.
- Cats love fishy foods, but too much of it can be as disastrous as a human existing solely on fast-food. Raw fish contain high levels of the enzyme thiaminase, which antagonizes thiamin levels in cats. Thiamin-deficiency in cats can cause severe neurological problems as well as seizures. Furthermore, while cats may purr loudly for canned tuna, the tuna may contain high levels of mercury, leading to neurological issues in cats who eat too much of it.
- Bribing a cat with a saucer of milk not only gets his attention but the attention of his digestive system as well. While milk is a welcome meal for kittens with undeveloped digestive systems, adult cats cannot tolerate milk because their digestive systems do not process dairy-rich foods as they do meat. The result is a cat with severe allergies in the form of incessant itchiness and flying fur.
Brown Rice
Boneless Beef