Pets & Animal: Stuffy Nose in a Feline

Stuffy Nose in a Feline

Cats often come down with stuffy noses, runny noses and sneezing. Owners are often stumped about what these symptoms mean. The symptoms could be a result of a sinus infection or environmental allergies. Although home remedies can be tried to treat stuffy noses in cats, only veterinarians can diagnos

Pets & Animal: How to Collect a Cat Urine Specimen

How to Collect a Cat Urine Specimen

If your veterinarian has asked you to collect a urine sample from your cat, this can be a very simple procedure or a very frustrating process--depending upon your cat. The veterinarian has likely asked you to provide a urine sample so that it can be tested to determine various information about your

Pets & Animal: Is Kidney Failure in Cats Painful?

Is Kidney Failure in Cats Painful?

Kidney failure is a common problem experienced by cats. The condition occurs when the cat's kidneys begin to fail, resulting in a buildup of waste products in the blood. This waste eventually begins to poison the cat, resulting in a painful and devastating disease.

Pets & Animal: What Cat Breed is Right For Me Quiz

What Cat Breed is Right For Me Quiz

Results to the usual questions in what cat breed is right for me quiz will be reflective of your personality and the type of cat can get along with you well. If you were a cat, what would you likely resemble?

Pets & Animal: A Cure for Cat Hairballs

A Cure for Cat Hairballs

The plaintive wail of your favorite feline companion when it has a hairball may just be the most human-like sound you'll ever hear emanate from its throat. Hearing that sound may either frighten you silly, drive you to extreme empathy or simply prepare you for what is to come out. Regardless, hairba

Pets & Animal: Kitten Diary: Our Trio and a Friend Playing at 6 Weeks

Kitten Diary: Our Trio and a Friend Playing at 6 Weeks

Ev Russell, of Kinross Folds, shares the progress of a litter of kittens from birth to one month and beyond. Enjoy this Kitten Diary illustrate with pictures of three Scottish Fold kittens and watch these kittens grow, day by day, week by week.

Pets & Animal: Dying Cat Symptoms

Dying Cat Symptoms

Every pet owner wishes her companion cat will die peacefully--and painlessly--in its sleep when its time comes. Even if a cat does pass away while it's napping, one that is elderly, terminally ill or seriously injured can display various symptoms for weeks or days beforehand that death is close. Dis

Pets & Animal: Cat Fountains?

Cat Fountains?

It struck me as odd, the first time I heard it. Cat fountains? Cats have their own fountains? How bizarre, thought I. But not so.

Pets & Animal: Osteosarcoma in Cats

Osteosarcoma in Cats

Osteosarcoma in cats is a malignant tumor that forms mostly on the knee, hip, and shoulder bones. In cats, osteosarcoma can be aggressive and tumors can develop rapidly. Osteosarcoma is common in cats that are older than 10 years of age. If caught during the early stages, these cancerous tumors can

Pets & Animal: Cat Health Insurance - What You Need to Know Now

Cat Health Insurance - What You Need to Know Now

Most people really want the company of pets at home; however, you have to remember that taking care of pets is a big responsibility. It can cause you a lot of money if do not get your pet insured correctly. If you have a cat at home, the more you need to insure it because, as we all know, cats are u

Pets & Animal: Stop a Cat Urinating on Carpet With One Fast and Simple Trick

Stop a Cat Urinating on Carpet With One Fast and Simple Trick

How is it that the adorable little kitten you brought home not so long ago has decided to make your life a misery by urinating on your carpet? If you want to know how to stop a cat urinating on carpet, I'm about to tell you a simple thing you can do to immediately see a change in your cat'

Pets & Animal: Dealing With Cat Urine Stains and Odors

Dealing With Cat Urine Stains and Odors

Anyone who owns a cat knows that occasional urine stains and odors are an inevitable part of feline ownership. While plants, walls and furniture are all sometimes used when your cat wants to relieve itself, urinating on a horizontal surface like a carpet can be a way for a cat to mark out its territ

Pets & Animal: Why Do Cats Act Badly?

Why Do Cats Act Badly?

Like all animals, cats can have a bad side. Scratching, clawing, hissing, and "forgetting" to use kitty litter - these problem behaviors and more can plague an otherwise healthy human-cat relationship. But why do cats act badly? And what can be done to correct their aggressive behavior bef

Pets & Animal: How to Use Scoop Litter in an Automatic Litter Box

How to Use Scoop Litter in an Automatic Litter Box

Automatic litter boxes are handy-dandy machines that don't require you to scoop cat waste of any kind. The only maintenance these little machines require is changing out the cartridge that contains the litter and raked droppings for a fresh one once a week or so. These cartridges are expensive and

Pets & Animal: Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Toby 2*

Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Toby 2*

Is your cat the cutest cat in the world? is pleased to announce the Cutest Cat Picture Contest. Please read the rules carefully, then submit your Cutest Cat photo by following these Guidelines.

Pets & Animal: Bengal Cats Gallery: ItsyBitsy and Buster

Bengal Cats Gallery: ItsyBitsy and Buster

The Bengal cat combines the exotic look and feel of the small forest-dwelling wild cats they descend from with the dependability and loving temperament of the domestic cat. For a walk on the wild side with an affectionate companion, you can't go wrong with a Bengal. Enjoy these pictures of exot