Pets & Animal: Training Your Cat: Separation Anxiety Solved

Training Your Cat: Separation Anxiety Solved

One of the questions that seem to pop up regularly is what to do with a cat that struggles when it's left on its own over varying periods of time? Some cats really have a hard time when they are left on their own when their owners go off to work or go out on social occasions they find that they

Pets & Animal: Domestic Cats Picture Gallery: Merlin

Domestic Cats Picture Gallery: Merlin

While many cat breeds are popular among their aficionados, my favorite "breed," and that of many of my readers, is the so-called domestic cat, also known affectionately as moggie, alley-cat, or what is called in cat shows that include them, "household pet." My readers responded e

Pets & Animal: Signs & Symptoms of Kidney Failure in Cats

Signs & Symptoms of Kidney Failure in Cats

Kidney failure in a cat happens even when the owner does everything to take good care of his pet. Improvement in the quality of cat foods and more indoor cats has cut down on the number of cats that get kidney failure. Kidney failure can be treatable in many cases depending on how severe the failure

Pets & Animal: Natural Remedies for Cat Health

Natural Remedies for Cat Health

Many cat lovers are seeking natural means of increasing the health of their pets. Options include food choices, supplements and a variety of therapeutic modalities

Pets & Animal: Halloween Cats Picture Gallery: Josie

Halloween Cats Picture Gallery: Josie

A friend sent me a cute photo of a cat wearing a bonnet from the popular ICanHasCheezburger site. The cat sez, "Hope u dont plan on returning it cause ur blood will leave stains." The few times I've tried to put hats or outfits on my cats, I've gotten the same response.Just out o

Pets & Animal: Cat Urine Odor Removal Methods

Cat Urine Odor Removal Methods

Cat urine odor removal methods are available a dime a dozen now a days but unfortunately not all of them work. What you require is a solution that will get rid of the problem once and for all so that you a live in harmony with your pets without the worry of having your house all messed up.

Pets & Animal: The Best Method For Grooming Your Cat

The Best Method For Grooming Your Cat

Cats by their very nature, are very clean animals and will do their best to remain clean. Grooming helps keep cats clean and in top condition.

Pets & Animal: Kitten Care Games

Kitten Care Games

Children can learn to care for a pet cat by playing games.boy cuddling his pet kitten image by Stepanov from Fotolia.comCaring for a kitten is a time-consuming job for a while. Aside from getting a kitten regular shots and veterinary care, there are three areas of care that are essential...

Pets & Animal: Cats And Ring Worm

Cats And Ring Worm

Ringworm is a very common form of skin disease that is found in both dogs and cats.Although its name makes you think otherwise, this skin disease isn't caused by any type of worm.It's actually caused by fungi known as Dermatophytes that feed on dead tissues found in the surface of the skin

Pets & Animal: Topics of Cat Health Care

Topics of Cat Health Care

Cat health care requires knowing your pet and knowing when something is wrong. Warning signs such as change in appetite, weight loss, weakness and changes in bathroom habits can account for some serious cat health care problems.

Pets & Animal: Red Cats Picture Gallery: Peaches

Red Cats Picture Gallery: Peaches

We celebrate red cats in our December Picture Calendar, but we love them year-round. December is a great month for snuggling with your cat in front of a crackling fire, particularly if your cat mirrors the colors of the flames. We also can't forget that December cats are red for the color of Ch

Pets & Animal: Symptoms of a Cat with Allergies

Symptoms of a Cat with Allergies

Cats with allergies don't always exhibit the kinds of symptoms one would expect. For example, cats allergic to airborne substances may develop skin rashes rather than cough and sneeze as humans do. Allergic cats display many symptoms, and some resemble those of other diseases, so make sure to take y

Pets & Animal: How Cat Supplements Can Make Your Pet Healthier

How Cat Supplements Can Make Your Pet Healthier

Giving your cat supplements is an important step in helping prevent disease and maintain health. This is a basic fact. Cats get healthier and stronger if they regularly take vitamins, herbs and minerals. In addition, these supplements also protect your pet from illnesses. A daily supplement will giv

Pets & Animal: The Family Cat - Pet or Wild Animal?

The Family Cat - Pet or Wild Animal?

Cats and dogs have long been an integral part of many families.Cats are only second to dogs in popularity as family pets (Ghanji:we will need to change that, since we are much more intelligent).But of course, cats havent always been the domesticated household animal that we know today (Ghanji: that

Pets & Animal: How to Clip a Cat's Claws

How to Clip a Cat's Claws

Clipping a cat’s claws can be beneficial to both you and your cat. Shorter claws means less scratching and destroyed furniture. Letting your cat's nails get too long can also be problematic to your cat. They can get caught in furniture or their scratching post and can also break of and bleed.

Pets & Animal: Christmas Cats Picture Gallery: Puccini

Christmas Cats Picture Gallery: Puccini

Cats generally enjoy holidays, and Christmas and the other Winter holidays are no exception. Enjoy this picture of cats lounging by the Christmas tree, sometimes dressed in Christmas finery. Other Winter holiday cat photos are also most welcome here.

Pets & Animal: Cat - Sleep and Play

Cat - Sleep and Play

Besides the sloth, a cat spends more of its time sleeping than any other animal. It has a solitary lifestyle with frenetic periods of hunting and playing.