How to Feed a Fledgling Blackbird
During the early spring months, it is not uncommon to find a baby, or fledgling, bird on the ground. Some fall from the nest trying to avoid a predator while others end up on the ground after a failed attempt to fly. In most cases, you should do nothing except maybe try to locate the nest that the b
Cat Allergy Symptoms Induce Cat Asthma Attacks
Many illnesses in children and adults are actually caused by a cat allergy symptom. The source of the allergy symptom is of course our feline pet friends. Today, one out of two households has a cat for a pet.
Early Feline Kidney Disease Treatment
Veterinarians treat cats of all ages, breeds and sex for kidney disease. Feline kidney disease, usually called chronic renal failure (CRF), is especially common in older cats. In reality, feline kidney disease comes in many types and stages, including early feline kidney disease. However, only one f
How Old Is Your Cat in Human Years?
How to determine your cat's age in human years, including an attached conversion chart.
Is a Cat the Best Pet For You?
Cats are known to be mysterious and complex animals, but they make great pets. They're not as high maintenance as dogs are, they still take commitment and responsibility to own one. While cats are beloved pets of millions of happy owners, it takes a special personality to properly care for one.
Wordless Wednesday Cat Pictures: Raven, Fish Water
Wordless Wednesday is sort of a social networking idea started by the Wordless Wednesday web site. Under the premise that 'a picture is worth a thousand words,' that's exactly what participants try to do. These are the archived photos of my own Wordless Wednesday offering.
Feline Diabetes Breakthrough
Cats can develop diabetes in much the same way as humans do. Older, heavier cats are most at risk for this condition, but a cat does not have to be elderly or heavy to get diabetes. Traditionally, a high-fiber diet and insulin treatments were used for feline diabetes, but newer research suggests tha
Choosing the Right Veterinarian for Your Cat
It is important when selecting a veterinarian to find one that is not only a medical expert, but also one that cares about your animals well being.You want them to become your pet's second-best friend, as well as your friend.
How to Get a Kitten to Hunt for Mice
Cats provide wonderful companionship but can also be incredibly useful creatures. A tried and true method for getting rid of mice, cats are natural born hunters. If you're hoping your new kitten will help rid your home of mice and aren't willing to leave it to chance. there are various ways you can
Information About the Cat Family
Many people find cats intriguing. According to "The Columbia Encyclopedia"; Sixth Edition; 2008, there are seven cat fanciers' associations in the United States alone. There are many variations of cats, from the wild cat to the modern domestic cat, but they all share similar characteristics.
Understanding Causes of Cat Problem Behavior
Nearly all feline owners at some point find themselves confused or troubled by cat problem behavior. Understand that cats don't change their behavior for no reason so whether it's health-related or not, they have their reasons for acting out. If you're experiencing problem behavior wi
How to Choose a Cat Urine Remover
Have you ever gone through the unpleasant experience in removing cat urine? Not only do you have to deal with the unpleasant smell, you also have to deal with the stubborn stains that your feline's urine can cause. If you are eager to learn how to choose a cat urine remover, read on to know the
Bronchospasm in Cats
Bronchospasm is the sudden, violent constriction of the smooth muscles around the bronchi, the air passages that branch off from the windpipe into the lungs. This constriction makes breathing difficult. A wide variety of allergens, including grass, cigarette smoke, flea products and litter dust, can
Cat Breed Profiles A to Z
Cat breeds snapshots for breeds beginning with P, including Persian, Peterbald, Pixie Bobs cat breeds.
How to Apply Soft Paws
Cats love to scratch carpets, bedsheets, furniture, curtains and other precious items at home. Soft Paws are nontoxic nail caps that stick to the claws of cats and kittens to prevent felines from ruining your household items. According to Soft Paws' inventor, veterinarian Toby Wexler, the devices ar
What Are the Treatments for Cat Seizures?
Seizures in cats can be due to a number of health image by Zbigniew Nowak from Fotolia.comSeizures in cats can be due to a number of health issues, ranging from head trauma and epilepsy to liver disease and rabies. In many cases, seizures are a secondary problem that...
A Must Read Guide to Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease and Its Treatment
Feline Lower Urinary Tract disease can become one of those recurrent painful problems that turn into a nightmare for the affected pet, and owner alike. It can involve repeated visits to the vet, sample taking again and again for purposes of urinalysis, and occasionally, delays in prescribing the cor
Orphaned Kittens - Homemade Formula and Care
Caring for Orphaned kittens, how to do it right!Get the basics.
Why Training a Kitten Doesn't Have to Be Difficult
For many people, training a kitten is a real nightmare. However, if you follow these tips, then training a kitten doesn't have to be a chore or endless struggle...