Insurance: What to Expect in a Medical Negligence Claim

What to Expect in a Medical Negligence Claim

Medical negligence claims are often very complex and time consuming. They are also potentially extremely emotionally draining due to the nature of the incident and the consequences of any injury experienced as a result. Here ...

Insurance: Do I Have to Tell Them I Am Pregnant When I Sign Up for Health Insurance?

Do I Have to Tell Them I Am Pregnant When I Sign Up for Health Insurance?

A woman who becomes pregnant can expect to incur a number of medical costs over the following nine months. These can include costs incurred from prenatal exams, the baby's delivery and post-natal care. To cover the costs, many women rely on health insurance. A woman is required to tell a health insu

Insurance: Are Single & Unemployed People Eligible for Medicaid in Florida?

Are Single & Unemployed People Eligible for Medicaid in Florida?

Florida Medicaid is available for families with children with low income, children alone, women who are pregnant, disabled or aged individuals who do not receive Supplemental Security Income and non-U.S. citizens who are experiencing a medical emergency. Florida's Department of Children and Families

Insurance: North Carolina Health Insurance Law

North Carolina Health Insurance Law

In the United States, health insurance laws are regulated on the federal and state level. North Carolina's laws are similar to other states, but are also subject to federal laws and requirements.

Insurance: How to Locate Hospital Records

How to Locate Hospital Records

Your medical history is documented in medical records of the providers who have given medical care to you, including physicians, clinics and hospitals. There are a number of circumstances when it may be necessary for you to obtain your hospital records, and when doing so, there is a procedure that m

Insurance: Looking for Cheap Health Insurance Miami

Looking for Cheap Health Insurance Miami

As a business owner, you recognize it's necessary to stay your staff healthy and content. By providing them with a cheap health insurance Miami package as a neighborhood of your worker edges set up, you'll ...

Insurance: Know about Mediclaim and Critical illness insurance

Know about Mediclaim and Critical illness insurance

The most commonly known insurance cover to provide financial aid at the time of illness is Mediclaim. However, there is one more important policy which is complementary to Mediclaim and the policy is €Critical Illness ...

Insurance: Aventis Patient Assistance Programs

Aventis Patient Assistance Programs

Sanofi Aventis offers patient assistance programs for those having trouble affording their medication.drugs image by alimat from Fotolia.comEven for those with insurance, prescription medications can be expensive if the co-pays are high. For those lacking insurance or a prescription...

Insurance: How to Apply for Medicare in North Carolina

How to Apply for Medicare in North Carolina

Medicare is health insurance offered by the federal government to those 65 and over, on disability or in end-stage renal failure. Medicare comprises two parts: Part A, which covers hospitalization, and Part B, which covers doctor services. Most people start on Part A as soon as they're eligible, bec

Insurance: How to Calculate a Federal Disability

How to Calculate a Federal Disability

Some federal employees are eligible for government benefits if a disability forces them to retire. The amount a person can receive depends on his age, salary and the amount of time he worked for the federal government. Benefits are calculated differently based on a person's age and eligibility for b

Insurance: How to Qualify for Wellcare If on Medicare

How to Qualify for Wellcare If on Medicare

WellCare is a publicly traded, nongovernmental company that provides additional medical resources to qualified individuals. These services, which include prescription drug assistance, come at greatly reduced costs compared to many other companies. It offers services to both Medicare and Medicaid-eli

Insurance: How to Organize One's Thoughts to Make Rational Decisions

How to Organize One's Thoughts to Make Rational Decisions

We live in an era of distraction. The increased speed of communication has also multiplied the demands on our attention spans. The Internet is everywhere and accessible on most phones. So when the time comes to make an important decision, the problem is not access to information but rather the threa

Insurance: How to Get a Physical at a VA Hospital

How to Get a Physical at a VA Hospital

Getting a physical exam through the military is nothing unusual. In fact, there are several kinds of physicals that military members are required to get throughout their careers. Once someone separates from the service and moves into the Department of Veteran Affairs, or VA, health-care networ

Insurance: Medicare Eligibility Rules

Medicare Eligibility Rules

Medicare is a federal program launched in 1965 to provide heath insurance to people 65 years old and older or meeting other qualifications. President Harry S. Truman was the first person to sign up for Medicare.

Insurance: Medicaid Eligibility Requirements for Tennessee

Medicaid Eligibility Requirements for Tennessee

Qualified Tennessee residents can receive health care coverage through TennCare, the state's Medicaid program, administered by the Department of Human Services (DHS). According to TennCare, the program provides health benefits for more than one million low-income residents, including senior citizens

Insurance: The Best Health Insurance for Self-Employed People

The Best Health Insurance for Self-Employed People

According to the United States Bureau of Labor and Statistics, approximately one in nine people were self-employed in the U.S. in 2009. Many of those individuals accounted for the uninsured population, mostly due to a lack of affordable coverage availability to those who make too much money to quali

Insurance: Reasons That COBRA Terminates

Reasons That COBRA Terminates

COBRA allows you and your family to continue receiving health concept image by drx from Fotolia.comThe Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, or COBRA, became law in 1986. The act allows employees who were covered under a group health plan to continue their coverage...

Insurance: How to Get Low Ping With AlteriWnet

How to Get Low Ping With AlteriWnet

If your online games of AlteriWnet have a high ping, the game will lag and run slowly. The ping is the millisecond response time it takes for your computer to reach a server. If you want to improve your ping and decrease it, you can do so by trying a few tricks. Try a combination of these to see whi