Insurance: How to Apply Modifiers to Codes for E/M Services

How to Apply Modifiers to Codes for E/M Services

Evaluation and management codes refer to medical procedure codes that identify the level of an encounter with a patient. The E/M code assigned for the visit with the physician depends on the medical facility where the patient was seen, whether the patient was new or established and the level of serv

Insurance: Florida Medicare Supplemental Plans

Florida Medicare Supplemental Plans

Original Medicare enrollees without retiree plans or other types of supplemental coverage often look into buying Medicare supplemental plans. These are better known in the industry as Medigap plans. They are called Medigaps because they are designed to fill in the gaps of Medicare. They...

Insurance: Flexible Spending Account Contribution Limits

Flexible Spending Account Contribution Limits

A flexible spending account (FSA) allows workers to put aside money on a pretax basis and use it to pay for covered medical and healthcare expenses. Workers can use payroll deductions to fund their accounts, making it that much easier to save. But important changes are coming to FSA plans, and worke

Insurance: Medical Insurance: For a secured future

Medical Insurance: For a secured future

Increasing cost of medical treatment is creating lot of problems for consumers. Every year, salaried people have to spend a large part of their salary on medical bills. According to a recent survey, medical bills ...

Insurance: How To Look For Health Insurance

How To Look For Health Insurance

According to the United States Labor Department and health care officials, if you're among those who no longer have employer health insurance, here's what you can do to continue addressing your medical needs: - If ...

Insurance: How do I Integrate Psychology Into Home Health Care?

How do I Integrate Psychology Into Home Health Care?

Integrating psychology into home care can help contribute to a value-based approach to providing quality care. Health psychology explores the strong link between mental health and physical health. Understanding how to integrate elements of psychology into home care may help individuals lessen recove

Insurance: Managed Care—What It Is & How It Works

Managed Care—What It Is & How It Works

Learn what, exactly, managed care is, how it differs from health insurance plans that aren’t managed care, how managed care works, and what to expect.

Insurance: How to Be a Day-Care Manager

How to Be a Day-Care Manager

Many two-income families rely on the services of day-care providers at some point. Day cares, also referred to as preschools and child-care centers, are a part of the large child-care industry, which features self-employed home day cares, nonprofit day cares and for-profit day cares. According to th

Insurance: What Happens to the HSA Money When You Cancel Insurance?

What Happens to the HSA Money When You Cancel Insurance?

HSAs, or health savings accounts, are tax-favored savings accounts available to people enrolled in high-deductible health insurance plans. They're similar to 401k retirement accounts in that money is added to them on a pretax basis. Money in an HSA is restricted to medical expenses. If you have an H

Insurance: How Do I Locate Medical Insurance for the Unemployed?

How Do I Locate Medical Insurance for the Unemployed?

No law mandates that employers must provide their employees with medical insurance. However, many employers choose to provide their workers with this benefit, paying all or a portion of the premium. In the latter case, the employee pays the remainder of the premium, which is payroll deducted. When e

Insurance: Texas Medicare Advantage Programs

Texas Medicare Advantage Programs

Medicare is a federal health insurance program targeted at senior citizens. Medicare is designed for people who are 65 years or older, although those younger than 65 may be eligible if they have certain disabilities or health problems. Medicare Parts A and B cover hospice care, home health and hospi

Insurance: Options for Health Insurance at 60 Years Old

Options for Health Insurance at 60 Years Old

The best health care available anywhere in the world is offered in the U.S., but it is costly. For individuals under 65, the system depends on the private insurance company system to pay the bills. While most Americans have some type of coverage until age 65, a sudden coverage loss is frightening, p

Insurance: The Average Cost of Health Insurance for Employees

The Average Cost of Health Insurance for Employees

You might not think about your health insurance coverage until you need it, but if you're on an employer-sponsored plan, the premium that pays for it comes out of every paycheck. The premiums can vary widely, even among your company's options, but if you're paying close to the national average, they

Insurance: The Advantages of Managed Care Health Coverage

The Advantages of Managed Care Health Coverage

Managed health care is a term referring to the methods or systems used to reduce the costs of medical services and improve health care quality for users. Managed health care services revolve around the concepts of cost containment by means of cost-sharing between member-plan holders and...

Insurance: How to Fill Out an Oregon Quit Claim

How to Fill Out an Oregon Quit Claim

Transferring property to another person is a simple procedure in Oregon state. A quit claim deed can be completed to give your share of property to someone else. It does not guarantee that the title is free of encumbrances or that you even own the property in the first place. However, once you file