Insurance: Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM)

Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM)

Learn the meaning of the term “Pharmacy Benefit Manager” from your Guide to Health Insurance.

Insurance: Health Savings Account & Medicare

Health Savings Account & Medicare

Medicare recipients have many options for how they receive their health care benefits. They can either get their benefits through traditional Medicare or through private plans. If they decide to get their benefits through a private plan, they can opt for a health savings account, or as it's known in

Insurance: Illinois Medicaid Questions

Illinois Medicaid Questions

Medicaid is a public health insurance program. Medicaid helps senior citizens and people who have low income, health problems and disabilities. This program is run by state governments in conjunction with the federal government. Some basic rules regarding Medicaid eligibility and benefits are the sa

Insurance: Information on Affordable New York State Health Insurance

Information on Affordable New York State Health Insurance

The State of New York provides low cost health insurance options for some of its low-income residents. The Health Care Reform Act of 2000 brought about the program called Healthy New York. It provides comprehensive health care coverage to working people and their families. Between 2001 and 2006 Heal

Insurance: Does Insurance Cover Embezzlement Cases?

Does Insurance Cover Embezzlement Cases?

Business owners who entrust employees with large sums of cash or expensive inventories are often vulnerable to embezzlement. Though most employers usually perform thorough background checks and choose their staff members wisely in such scenarios, there is really no guarantee that an employee is hone

Insurance: Cultural Awareness in Health Care Training

Cultural Awareness in Health Care Training

The United States is a multicultural society. People who come to this country bring diverse languages, cultural norms, religious beliefs and healing practices. Their background affects the way they receive and understand health care. Training health professionals in cultural diversity and competency

Insurance: Changes in Medicare for 2011

Changes in Medicare for 2011

The Affordable Care Act has made several changes in Medicare for 2011 that may affect you whether you are in the Original Medicare program or have a Medicare Advantage plan.

Insurance: Blue Shield Options

Blue Shield Options

Blue Cross Blue Shield offers several options when it comes to medical care.stethescope image by Jeffrey Zalesny from Fotolia.comBlue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) insurance provides health insurance across the United States for one in three Americans, according to the BCBS website. Though...

Insurance: Be Wise in Selecting the Right Insurance for You!

Be Wise in Selecting the Right Insurance for You!

In case the life ensured passes on in the midst of the term, the death benefit will be paid to the beneficiary. Banner term life insurance protection is the scarcest excessive methodology to purchase an ...

Insurance: Utah Senior Health Plans - A Must For Seniors

Utah Senior Health Plans - A Must For Seniors

Getting old is probably one of the most dreaded eventualities of life. ItâEUR(TM)s not so much that people hate wrinkles, but rather itâEUR(TM)s the hundreds of ailments that are a part of getting old that ...

Insurance: Obtaning And Using Child Health Insurance Quotes

Obtaning And Using Child Health Insurance Quotes

OBTAINING AND USING CHILD HEALTH INSURANCE QUOTES Getting your child a health insurance is a wise decision. It may one day require a jab for fever, a cast for a broken leg or medications for ...

Insurance: What Do You Know About Stun Guns?

What Do You Know About Stun Guns?

Simply by amassing a stun gun you ought to see the mechanics along with the principles guiding the operation of any one. This will help manage the individual defense unit and utilize it most successfully ...

Insurance: Various Types of Health Plans

Various Types of Health Plans

Health insurance is insurance coverage that pays for health-related expenses, such as medical treatments due to illness or injury. Health insurance coverage is often considered an important job benefit since it can be very expensive and everyone is likely to need health care at one time...

Insurance: High Risk Life Insurance for the Obese

High Risk Life Insurance for the Obese

The percentage of obese people in the United States is staggering: exceeding 30 percent in most demographics except for 20 to 39 year old men. Because overweight brings with it the increased odds of long-term illnesses, as well as early death, covering obese people is considered a high risk venture

Insurance: How Does COBRA Coverage Work?

How Does COBRA Coverage Work?

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) health insurance continuation coverage is a federally-mandated requirement on most employers that dictates they continue to offer health insurance coverage to former employees for a length of time. The former employee must pay all of the premium

Insurance: Tricare Medicare Claims Processing Requirements

Tricare Medicare Claims Processing Requirements

Tricare and Medicare have a program that handles dual claims processing.operation image by astoria from Fotolia.comIndividuals who have dual eligibility with Tricare and Medicare insurance benefits will have their insurance claims processed by both of the health insurance companies to pay...