Home & Garden: Advantages And Disadvantages Of Different Hot Tubs

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Different Hot Tubs

There are several different types of hot tubs and they all have their own advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss here. In-ground hot tubs - They are by definition in general, built in to the ground. This means that you will have to have a large whole dug into the ground to put one in to

Home & Garden: How to Clean Leaf Net Cover for Pools

How to Clean Leaf Net Cover for Pools

A leaf net pool cover protects a swimming pool from falling debris such as leaves. The leaf net allows water to pass through the cover in order to prevent water accumulation, but catches the leaves and other debris that could harm the pool's water. Leaves and debris accumulate on the surface of the

Home & Garden: Different Styles and Colors of Pool Liners

Different Styles and Colors of Pool Liners

When shopping for your swimming pool liner, consider the variety of styles and color themes available to you. Just as with any other product you are shopping for, choose the liner that will make your pool look the best and make you the happiest about the investment you have made in your swimming poo

Home & Garden: Pool Repair Tips

Pool Repair Tips

Owning a swimming pool means performing routine maintenance to keep your swimming pool in good working condition. Anyone who owns a pool knows that repair costs can skyrocket, even if the repairs seem very simple. One way to get around these costs is to do basic repairs yourself. This will reduce co

Home & Garden: Is An Indoor Swimming Pool Right For Your Family's Needs?

Is An Indoor Swimming Pool Right For Your Family's Needs?

A swimming pool is a large expenditure, especially when you think about the short amount of time you may be able to swim in one if you live in an area of the country that has as much winter as it does summer. If you construct an indoor swimming pool, you will have access to your swimming pool year-r

Home & Garden: Patio Furniture: What's New in Garden Furniture for 2012

Patio Furniture: What's New in Garden Furniture for 2012

Patio furniture -- or casual furniture, as it's called in the industry -- does not change drastically from year to year. The materials are pretty standard, and a true trend takes at least a few years to develop rather than a short 12 months or less. But that doesn't mean that the consumer

Home & Garden: Autumn Wreath, Brick Beauty

Autumn Wreath, Brick Beauty

Besides fall foliage, nothing announces the change of season more than your home's front door, entryway or porch. People are anxious to celebrate autumn by decorating the outside of their houses. Take a walk in your neighborhood to see what others are up to on their front porches. Or take a dri

Home & Garden: Half-Basketweave Brick Pattern

Half-Basketweave Brick Pattern

Certain brick patterns have been around for hundreds of years. But can you match a name with an actual brick pattern? What are the origins of brick pattern names? Are some easier to set than others? Are some patterns better suited to certain architectural styles? How about patterns for patios vs pat

Home & Garden: How to Patch Fiberglass Pools

How to Patch Fiberglass Pools

Fiberglass pools are common because of the strength and durability of the fiberglass, but pools, no matter what they're made from, will get punctures or cracks in them over time from normal wear and tear. When a pool gets a leak it's important to seal it quickly to avoid further damage and a waste o

Home & Garden: Above Ground Swimming Pools

Above Ground Swimming Pools

Above ground swimming pool is being installed in many homes for these reasons. In some countries like USA, swimming is a national past time for children and adults at home.

Home & Garden: How to Upgrade Your Backyard With 1,000 Dollars

How to Upgrade Your Backyard With 1,000 Dollars

If you find yourself spending more time at home, you might want to upgrade your outdoor living space. But it can be difficult to know where to start, especially if your home improvement funds are limited. Major home improvement projects, like the installation of an in-ground swimming pool or adding

Home & Garden: How Do I Become a Landscape Architect?

How Do I Become a Landscape Architect?

Are you interested in becoming a landscape architect? As a professional landscape architect, you will have the skill set to design public and private landscaping, hardscaping and water features. Learn the educational requirements for becoming a landscape architect.

Home & Garden: How to Find a Wasp Exterminator

How to Find a Wasp Exterminator

Wasps can be a serious nuisance. With a sting often more severe than a normal bee sting and the ability to sting numerous times, these pests are best left alone. However, if a swarm manages to infest in a corner of your roof, the threat can become unavoidable. That is when you need to contact a wasp

Home & Garden: Keeping a Pool Filter Working Right

Keeping a Pool Filter Working Right

For many families, their backyard swimming pool is a place of escape from the oppressive summer heat. These pools can be the site of children's parties, family gatherings, or a romantic spot for two. If left open to the elements, outdoor pools can gather dirt and debris. This garbage will eventually

Home & Garden: Pretty Pots All in a Row

Pretty Pots All in a Row

With an outdoor privacy screen, you can add some much-needed privacy to your pool, hot tub or spa area. Maybe you're seeking a small space for a backyard retreat or a patio, deck or balcony. An outdoor privacy screen gives you personal space away from the view of neighbors or passers-by. Follow

Home & Garden: Understanding How A Sand Filter Keeps Your Pool Clean

Understanding How A Sand Filter Keeps Your Pool Clean

When it comes to the types of pool filters you can install in your pool, there are enough choices to make your head spin! The sand in a pool filter has been ground to about .45 to .55 mm in diameter and is very rough when you first start using it.

Home & Garden: Red Sailfin Molly

Red Sailfin Molly

A profile of the Red Sailfin Molly, Poecilia velifera, including habitat, care, feeding, and breeding.

Home & Garden: How Hot Tub Covers Can Slash Your Electric Bill

How Hot Tub Covers Can Slash Your Electric Bill

For hot tub owners, hot tub covers make a dramatic difference when it comes to saving money on the electric bill. Since most heat escapes through the top of a hot tub, not having a spa cover causes the hot tub heater to work harder to generate adequate heat.

Home & Garden: Martha Stewart Candle Lanterns From Grandin Road

Martha Stewart Candle Lanterns From Grandin Road

Halloween originated as a lantern-oriented holiday -- you know, jack-o'-lanterns? Leave it to Martha Stewart to come up with a stylish take on a traditional Halloween lantern. The Martha Stewart Candle Lanterns for Grandin Road are oversized black-iron lanterns with tinted orange glass that ser