Home & Garden: How to Clean a Cloudy Swimming Pool Using Chlorine

How to Clean a Cloudy Swimming Pool Using Chlorine

Swimming pools are besieged all year by airborne contaminates, body oils and wastes, and other bacteria. These contaminates get into the pool water and turn the pool cloudy and murky. Proper sanitizing treatments are necessary to keep pool water clear. Chlorine is the most common form of sanitizer u

Home & Garden: Keep Children Safe While Soaking In The Hot Tub

Keep Children Safe While Soaking In The Hot Tub

Hot tubs are a great way for adults to relax and enjoy time outdoors, your children can also enjoy time in the spa with you but you need to set some safety rules to keep them protected from dehydration and harm. The number one rule around any body of water is constant supervision.

Home & Garden: Wooden Fence Ideas for an Above Ground Pool

Wooden Fence Ideas for an Above Ground Pool

Add a wood fence around your above ground pool.wooden fence image by sparkia from Fotolia.comAbove ground pools provide a place to cool off on a hot summer day and are easier to maintain than in-ground options, in addition to costing much less to install. Even though the pool is elevated...

Home & Garden: Goth Baby Dolls

Goth Baby Dolls

ld dolls from thrift stores or flea markets can be spray-painted white and their clothing dyed black for a gothic / haunted-house-child look. Add some vintage baby accessories, like a carriage, rocking horse or cradle. These can be displayed at your home haunt, on a porch, patio or in a courtyard. Y

Home & Garden: Martha Stewart Candle Lanterns From Grandin Road

Martha Stewart Candle Lanterns From Grandin Road

Halloween originated as a lantern-oriented holiday -- you know, jack-o'-lanterns? Leave it to Martha Stewart to come up with a stylish take on a traditional Halloween lantern. The Martha Stewart Candle Lanterns for Grandin Road are oversized black-iron lanterns with tinted orange glass that ser

Home & Garden: How Hot Tub Covers Can Slash Your Electric Bill

How Hot Tub Covers Can Slash Your Electric Bill

For hot tub owners, hot tub covers make a dramatic difference when it comes to saving money on the electric bill. Since most heat escapes through the top of a hot tub, not having a spa cover causes the hot tub heater to work harder to generate adequate heat.

Home & Garden: Know Your Swimming Pool and Its Various Parts

Know Your Swimming Pool and Its Various Parts

Would you not love to have a swimming pool at home or do you already have one? If you do then you probably know that there a quite a couple of things that you require to set it up. No matter how old you are or whether you are a man, woman or child, there is nothing more pleasurable than have a cool

Home & Garden: Getting the Most Enjoyment From a Hot Tub

Getting the Most Enjoyment From a Hot Tub

Everyone knows that hot tubs can be the most relaxing and enjoying experience in ones life. Mainly hot tubs can benefit your health by giving your body a feeling of a nice relaxing soak, which can help eliminate your tensions and your worries. There are a variety of different hot tubs that offer dif

Home & Garden: Red Sailfin Molly

Red Sailfin Molly

A profile of the Red Sailfin Molly, Poecilia velifera, including habitat, care, feeding, and breeding.

Home & Garden: Finding the Sauna Parts You Need

Finding the Sauna Parts You Need

Finding the sauna parts you need to build and operate your sauna can be as easy as searching the Internet. However specialty parts such as traditional sauna stoves may require more effort. If you own an infrared sauna and need sauna parts your manufacture or parts manufacture will be the best source

Home & Garden: Understanding How A Sand Filter Keeps Your Pool Clean

Understanding How A Sand Filter Keeps Your Pool Clean

When it comes to the types of pool filters you can install in your pool, there are enough choices to make your head spin! The sand in a pool filter has been ground to about .45 to .55 mm in diameter and is very rough when you first start using it.

Home & Garden: Pretty Pots All in a Row

Pretty Pots All in a Row

With an outdoor privacy screen, you can add some much-needed privacy to your pool, hot tub or spa area. Maybe you're seeking a small space for a backyard retreat or a patio, deck or balcony. An outdoor privacy screen gives you personal space away from the view of neighbors or passers-by. Follow

Home & Garden: Keeping a Pool Filter Working Right

Keeping a Pool Filter Working Right

For many families, their backyard swimming pool is a place of escape from the oppressive summer heat. These pools can be the site of children's parties, family gatherings, or a romantic spot for two. If left open to the elements, outdoor pools can gather dirt and debris. This garbage will eventually

Home & Garden: How to Find a Wasp Exterminator

How to Find a Wasp Exterminator

Wasps can be a serious nuisance. With a sting often more severe than a normal bee sting and the ability to sting numerous times, these pests are best left alone. However, if a swarm manages to infest in a corner of your roof, the threat can become unavoidable. That is when you need to contact a wasp

Home & Garden: How to Get Colored Water for Fountains

How to Get Colored Water for Fountains

Fountains are a lovely addition to the landscape. Ranging from abstract, modern shapes to timeless Greek gods, the water fountain presents a well-loved position in any appointed landscape. Some fountains provide a water resource for animals and birds; others grow aquatic plants and support whole eco

Home & Garden: How Do I Become a Landscape Architect?

How Do I Become a Landscape Architect?

Are you interested in becoming a landscape architect? As a professional landscape architect, you will have the skill set to design public and private landscaping, hardscaping and water features. Learn the educational requirements for becoming a landscape architect.

Home & Garden: How to Upgrade Your Backyard With 1,000 Dollars

How to Upgrade Your Backyard With 1,000 Dollars

If you find yourself spending more time at home, you might want to upgrade your outdoor living space. But it can be difficult to know where to start, especially if your home improvement funds are limited. Major home improvement projects, like the installation of an in-ground swimming pool or adding

Home & Garden: Above Ground Swimming Pools

Above Ground Swimming Pools

Above ground swimming pool is being installed in many homes for these reasons. In some countries like USA, swimming is a national past time for children and adults at home.