Home & Garden: How do I Convert an IR Window Shade Motor to an RF Window Shade Motor?

How do I Convert an IR Window Shade Motor to an RF Window Shade Motor?

Infrared window treatments are useful in larger homes, or for windows that are not easily accessible. IR control however can be problematic in rooms that have excess sun, or are beyond the range of the IR remote. Converting the remote control to radio frequency solves many of these issues, as well

Home & Garden: Homemade Natural Room Freshener

Homemade Natural Room Freshener

Store-bought room fresheners contain chemicals that often irritate eyes and lungs, and are sometimes toxic. Save money and maintain comfort by using common all-natural ingredients you already have at home, rather than purchasing costly room fresheners from the store. Make a spray freshener for the a

Home & Garden: Protect Your Home With Reputable Wichita Locksmith Service

Protect Your Home With Reputable Wichita Locksmith Service

Trivial but annoying mishaps happen when you least anticipate it. Being locked outside your home or vehicle is a good example. You end up ruining doors and windows to gain admittance. Stop spending funds for repairs by employing a locksmith in Wichita.

Home & Garden: Learn How To Set Up Your Home Security Camera Equipment At Home

Learn How To Set Up Your Home Security Camera Equipment At Home

Most home anti-theft camera devices come in all sizes and styles. For the reason that the devices are so assorted, you can find many ways to arrange these cams around the home. Business owners are not the only ones who could use one or more of these security cameras. People often keep their valuable

Home & Garden: How to Compare Alarm System Monthly Service Fees

How to Compare Alarm System Monthly Service Fees

With hundreds of home alarm companies to choose from, it is easy to get overwhelmed when making the choice about who will provide your alarm system. Each company has several plans to choose from, with different coverage and costs to go along with them. An organized plan to compare alarm system fees

Home & Garden: Choosing Right Fire Protection Can Prevent a Tragedy

Choosing Right Fire Protection Can Prevent a Tragedy

With the rising number of fire accidents taking place in homes, choosing right fire protection product becomes important for your safety and for the safety of your home. The market is almost flooded with Smoke Guard systems. In such a situation you would certainly like to know how to choose the prop

Home & Garden: How to Kill a Rat in the Subfloor

How to Kill a Rat in the Subfloor

Subflooring serves as a foundation for the primary flooring material, such as hardwood, tile or carpeting. Sturdy lumber and plywood is used in subfloor construction, and cement-based smoothing compounds are used to make seams air- and water-tight. In single story houses, subflooring may refer to th

Home & Garden: Tips To Keep Your Home Safe From Fire During The Holidays (and Year-round)

Tips To Keep Your Home Safe From Fire During The Holidays (and Year-round)

Keeping your home safe is a year-round responsibility. Take some of these fire prevention tips and make your job a little easier this year. When it comes to fire safety at home, prevention is the best approach. Additionally, make sure you talk to your insurance agent to ensure you have the right hom

Home & Garden: How to Kill Scorpions

How to Kill Scorpions

Scorpions can be considered harmless arachnids, but there are two species known to cause fatalities in their stinging victims. The Centruroides gertschi or Deadly Sculptured Scorpion and the C. sculpturatus or Bark Scorpion reside mostly in hot southern states such as Arizona, California, New Mexico

Home & Garden: How to Light Soy Wickless Candles

How to Light Soy Wickless Candles

Soy wickless candles are extremely scented candles especially designed for candle warmers. They do not burn; they use heat from a warmer to release their scent. There is no flame required when lighting them. Because they are flame free, they are perfect for work and other places such as the car wher

Home & Garden: Components of an Intrusion Detection System

Components of an Intrusion Detection System

Intrusion detection systems can provide you with peace of mind.Ryouchin/Digital Vision/Getty ImagesIntrusion detection systems are at the core of the computer and network security business. To the uninitiated, they bear a passing resemblance to firewalls, though there is an important...

Home & Garden: Types of Energy-Saving Light Bulbs

Types of Energy-Saving Light Bulbs

A lamp with CFL bulbsflourescent light image by Freeze Frame Photography from Fotolia.comLight bulbs are one the most common devices that use electricity in a home. While a single light bulb does not use much energy, homes may have several light bulbs in every room. Standard light bulbs,...

Home & Garden: Reliable Attributes Of A Multi-functional Led Light Bar

Reliable Attributes Of A Multi-functional Led Light Bar

The LED light bar is counted among the most useful lighting accessories in use today. This is because these lighting solutions are designed keeping in mind the requirements of vehicles and the common concerns they face while on road.

Home & Garden: Universal Solar Products

Universal Solar Products

Universal's solar panels can produce energy for power plants.Frank Chmura/Photodisc/Getty ImagesUniversal Solar Power is a manufacturer of solar products and systems. The solar products help customers become more energy efficient and save money on utility bills. Many products are...

Home & Garden: How to Remove Goo Gone Stains From Clothing

How to Remove Goo Gone Stains From Clothing

Goo Gone is a popular cleaner and solvent that removes a variety of sticky substances, including adhesive and stains. Goo Gone is safe to use on hardwood floors, carpeting, upholstery, and many other surfaces, both hard and soft. Although Goo Gone helps get rid of stuck-on items, the product itself

Home & Garden: DIY Rodent Extermination

DIY Rodent Extermination

Rodents have lived on the fringe of society for thousands of years, feeding off what humans leave behind. The problem is that rodents cause building damage and food spoilage and can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans. Getting rid of rodents can prove to be somewhat difficult unless y

Home & Garden: How to Build a Martial Arts Belt Display

How to Build a Martial Arts Belt Display

Training in the martial arts requires dedication, hard work and perseverance. A belt rack serves as an excellent motivator to focus a student's progress as he earns a black belt, and it provides a suitable place to honor the belt, the dojo and the dojo's masters. With some woodworking tools and bas

Home & Garden: How to Get Rid of Black Stuff That Adheres to a Toilet Tank

How to Get Rid of Black Stuff That Adheres to a Toilet Tank

The "black stuff" adhering to a toilet tank, whether inside or outside of the tank, comes from mineral deposits, stains or black mold. Mineral deposits are a result of high amounts of minerals in the water or certain minerals reacting with chemicals in the water. Black mold occurs when high humidity