Home & Garden: How to Fix a Door That Cracked Where the Hinges Go

How to Fix a Door That Cracked Where the Hinges Go

Fixing wood doors is usually more cost effective than replacing them. A door that has cracked where the hinge is connected will continue to crack until it can't be used. This is caused by the pressure and weight on the wood in that area. You can fix the crack using an epoxy adhesive. Epoxy is durabl

Home & Garden: How To Find A Heating Contractor In St. Louis Mo.

How To Find A Heating Contractor In St. Louis Mo.

It's not hard to find a heating contractor in St. Louis, MO, but finding the right heating contractor, now that's another story. Look around and do your homework before letting an unqualified service technician work on your furnace. It might not only mean the difference between a warm cozy

Home & Garden: Making Your Home More Stylish

Making Your Home More Stylish

One of the easiest ways to add style and pizzazz to your yard areas is by using a combination of fencing products. These products will help beautify those areas on the one hand while giving you all the security and peace of mind you need on the other.

Home & Garden: Easy Roof Repair Tips For Your Home

Easy Roof Repair Tips For Your Home

Generally speaking, any time that you are going to have work done on your roof it is going to be expensive. And, usually the more work you need done, the more money it is going ...

Home & Garden: Why Hire A Licensed HVAC Contractor?

Why Hire A Licensed HVAC Contractor?

When upgrading or installing your heating and air-conditioning system, it can be tempting to look for the cheapest contractor in hopes of saving money. Chances are, if you do, you'll be hiring someone who is ...

Home & Garden: How to Insert Bathtub Safety Rails

How to Insert Bathtub Safety Rails

Injuries due to slips and falls in the bathtub are very common, but also preventable. Installing safety rails will help individuals keep their balance while getting in and out. There are various types and styles in a variety of materials (stainless steel, brass), so you will need to check the speci

Home & Garden: The Ultimate Guide To Energy Efficient Storage Heaters

The Ultimate Guide To Energy Efficient Storage Heaters

A storage heater is an electrical home appliance which stores thermal energy during the evening, or at night when base load electricity is available at lower cost, and releases the heat during the day as required. Heat banks may be composed of clay bricks or other ceramic material, of concrete walls

Home & Garden: Should Furnace Ducts Be Cleaned?

Should Furnace Ducts Be Cleaned?

Dust can accumulate in furnace ducts. Logic may lead homeowners to think that because dust sticks to the ducts, they should be cleaned. Provided home residents are not suffering from illnesses, symptoms or allergies that cannot be explained, and unless the air ducts show heavy contamination with deb

Home & Garden: Why you should opt for hardwood flooring

Why you should opt for hardwood flooring

When you refer to your house as an investment, you are not referring only to the bricks and cement of the house but the overall money that you have put into it. One of the ...

Home & Garden: How to Cut a Wrong Size Door Jamb

How to Cut a Wrong Size Door Jamb

The door jamb is the finished portion of the door frame that the door is directly mounted to. Many new doors come pre-hung, which means that the door and the door jamb come in one package. This takes a lot of work out of hanging a door and can save you a lot of time and money. Sometimes the door jam

Home & Garden: 8 Questions You Must Ask Before Hiring A Kitchen Designer

8 Questions You Must Ask Before Hiring A Kitchen Designer

Hiring a kitchen designer can be a big financial investment, so it is important to make sure that you are choosing the right person.The size and scope of your project will dictate if a designer is really needed.If you decide that you need some help coming up with the overall look of your kitchen, he

Home & Garden: Local Movers Are Well Versed With Long Distance Movement

Local Movers Are Well Versed With Long Distance Movement

Local movers in San Diego offer comprehensive services and exceptional customer service ensuring that the customers can move their belongings in an easy and stress-free manner. All these movers are reliable and take great care that each customer is able to sit back and relax while their goods are mo

Home & Garden: Roofing Guide - Wood, Shingles, or Metal Sheet

Roofing Guide - Wood, Shingles, or Metal Sheet

The benefits that you roof can provide you start at your choice of product to use. There are dozens of different materials that can be used on your roof, and this is where a lot of people are having problems with. If you want to have the best materials for your roof, you should first be familiar wit

Home & Garden: Wood Stove Chimney Instructions

Wood Stove Chimney Instructions

A wood-burning stove produces a large amount of smoke and chemicals that can be quite hazardous to your health if not properly vented out of the house. Chimneys are designed to remove these substances in a safe fashion but they need to be used correctly and properly maintained to prevent problems fr

Home & Garden: Renovate your Garage

Renovate your Garage

If you're like many homeowners, you may need extra space, but you can't afford to embark on a full scale home addition. Maybe the extra space you need has been there all along, hidden under piles of b

Home & Garden: How To Choose the Perfect Windows For Your Home

How To Choose the Perfect Windows For Your Home

Are you looking to replace the windows in your home? If so, you've probably been overwhelmed by the variety of choices available to you. Let's take a look a some of your options.

Home & Garden: Cleaning Your House During Winter Tips

Cleaning Your House During Winter Tips

Keeping your home clean during the winters is not a tall task if you can hire professional home cleaning services. Those who cannot afford to do it or want to take additional measures to keep ...

Home & Garden: How to Choose Tile for Shower Walls

How to Choose Tile for Shower Walls

When you remodel a bathroom, one of the key points of debate is the kind of tile to use inside your shower. There are many different types of tiles you can use in your bathroom, and determining the type of tile can be quite the daunting task.

Home & Garden: How to Use an Electric Hand Planer

How to Use an Electric Hand Planer

An electric hand planer is a tool used in woodworking to remove material from wood to create a smooth surface. This type of tool is small and can easily be transported from job site to job site or used in your own home. You can use a hand-held planner to shave off small sections of wood that are une