Home & Garden: How to Make Grass Grow in Red Clay Soil

How to Make Grass Grow in Red Clay Soil

Heavy clay, red or otherwise, is inhospitable to most plant life, but there are things that you can do to make sure that your property has a healthy green lawn. Follow some basic steps to make grass grow in red clay soil and establish a lawn that is the envy of the neighborhood.

Home & Garden: What Is the Origin of Lawn Ornaments?

What Is the Origin of Lawn Ornaments?

Lawn ornaments can take many forms and be made of a wide variety of materials. Garden statues, topiary and modern ornaments such as novelty and seasonal decorations provide homeowners with an outlet to express their creativity and reflect their personalities. The tradition of lawn ornamentation date

Home & Garden: Fence Repair Ideas

Fence Repair Ideas

Cut your 2-by-4 railing long enough to span one or two sections of fence between the posts.Polka Dot Images/Polka Dot/Getty ImagesIf your wire fence is looking a bit saggy in places or your wooden fence is blown out, you don't need to rush out and order a new one. A few tools, supplies...

Home & Garden: How to Replace a Mower Belt on a Snapper Riding Mower

How to Replace a Mower Belt on a Snapper Riding Mower

The Snapper corporation has been making excellent lawn care machinery for over five decades. According to the Snapper website, Snapper products are, "easy to own, easy to use and easy to maintain." Proper maintenance and care of Snapper products is key to ensuring the longevity of the equipment sinc

Home & Garden: How to Get Paid for Mowing a Lawn

How to Get Paid for Mowing a Lawn

You can get paid for mowing a lawn by reaching an agreement with the owner prior to starting the work and doing a professional job. Misunderstandings occur between landscapers and land owners when the details of a job are not fully discussed. When every aspect of the lawn work and compensation is ma

Home & Garden: How to Dig Up Rocks in My Lawn Quickly

How to Dig Up Rocks in My Lawn Quickly

Rocks are often a nuisance in lawns and gardens due to being both an eyesore and a danger to machinery such as lawnmowers and weed whackers. A single stone can cause expensive damage to either the machine itself or to nearby property if the rock is flung through a window or dents the house siding. D

Home & Garden: How to Repair a Mower Wheel

How to Repair a Mower Wheel

Mower wheels are typically made of a hard plastic material with a hole in the center for attaching to the mower. Self propelled and push mowers commonly use wheels instead of tires. Tires differ from wheels in that they are made of rubber and can be inflated with air. Mower wheels can require mainte

Home & Garden: How to Install a Sliding Fence Gate

How to Install a Sliding Fence Gate

Sliding fence gates are typically used across driveways. This allows for your entire property to be enclosed. With an electrical sliding gate, a remote control will open the gate for you when you are coming and going, making it a very practical method of security.

Home & Garden: FAQ on Fences

FAQ on Fences

Whether you are thinking about building or installing a fence, or you want to renovate an existing one, there are limitless possibilities. Consider these FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) before beginning your fencing project.

Home & Garden: How to Make a Pickaxe in "Stranded 2"

How to Make a Pickaxe in "Stranded 2"

"Stranded 2" is a computer game where you find yourself stranded on a deserted island and one of the first things you have to do is create tools, such as a pickaxe. A pickaxe isn't a requirement, but it makes harvesting ores and minerals much easier. As opposed to other basic tools in the

Home & Garden: Concrete Gatefront Entry Ideas

Concrete Gatefront Entry Ideas

Do not let your concrete entryway detract from the rest of your landscape. Smaller budgets don't mean you have to have an unattractive entry. If it's a small, concrete-walled area with soil, try planting a few annuals and choice perennials. Slowly replace inexpensive annuals with higher-priced pere

Home & Garden: Arizona Ash Trees

Arizona Ash Trees

The Arizona Ash tree (Fraxinus velutina) is common in Arizona, and many other species of ash tree grow well in Arizona. They grow fast and offer lots of lovely shade. Healthy ash trees are large and beautiful, but take a bit of care and effort to maintain them. Taking good care of them will help boo

Home & Garden: How to Design & Install Landscaping

How to Design & Install Landscaping

A well-landscaped yard begins with a design and ends with the proper installation and realization of that design. Mapping out the exact plans you would like to see actualized in your yard and securing the proper materials--from plants to landscaping tools--are the first steps to landscaping your yar

Home & Garden: What Causes Ruts in a Lawn?

What Causes Ruts in a Lawn?

Maintaining a lawn for some is as easy as mowing it weekly, but not always. Improper maintenance and ignoring naturally caused issues can lead to discoloration and ruts in the lawn. Once these ruts form, measures must be taken to solve the initial cause before lawn repair can proceed; without resolu

Home & Garden: The Time to Plant Grass Seed in the Spring

The Time to Plant Grass Seed in the Spring

Spring is one of the best times of year to plant grass seed, according to Washington State University. Soil and air temperatures, along with moisture requirements, are best met during this season.

Home & Garden: Lazy Lawn Care - Getting Away With the Minimum

Lazy Lawn Care - Getting Away With the Minimum

Taking care of your lawn can seem like an endless task. There is nothing worse than looking forward to a relaxing weekend, only to realize that you will be spending an entire day maintaining your lawn. Fortunately, if you take the appropriate steps, lazy lawn care can be a reality. By working smarte

Home & Garden: Why You Need to Appreciate Street Furniture

Why You Need to Appreciate Street Furniture

The majority of people see items on the streets that don't seem to have any function. In some instances, they may deem them nonexistent because they don't look at them.