Home & Garden: Water Feature - Great Alternative to Make Your Garden Fresh

Water Feature - Great Alternative to Make Your Garden Fresh

If you want to have garden with fresh and natural look, there are a lot of ideas to do. You can add more plants or flowers and grow the grass. You can also build beautiful garden pond with water plants and colorful fish inside.

Home & Garden: Garden Fencing - Keeping Your Fruits and Vegetables Safe

Garden Fencing - Keeping Your Fruits and Vegetables Safe

Garden fencing is necessary to keep animals out of the garden. Usually it is used around vegetable gardens as a deterrent to small animals that like to forage through the vegetables. Typically it is designed to keep specific animals out.

Home & Garden: Vermicomposting Instructions

Vermicomposting Instructions

Vermicomposting is the process of using worms to create nutrient-rich compost (called castings) from household food scraps. This self-contained, ecologically friendly activity requires little maintenance past its initial setup, and when done properly it produces very little odor or mess. It can be d

Home & Garden: Using Landscape Accent Lighting to Enhance a Yard

Using Landscape Accent Lighting to Enhance a Yard

So! You've decided to do some landscaping. That's great! You've got the shrubbery planted, the flowers growing, and you can't wait to show it all off. It's too bad passer bys can't see it at night.... or can they? You can showcase your landscaping design at night also!

Home & Garden: How to Use Garden Lights to "Moonlight" trees for Dramatic Effect

How to Use Garden Lights to "Moonlight" trees for Dramatic Effect

Moonlighting is a technique that involves placing a downward facing garden lights [http://www.hubpages.com/hub/Outdoor-Garden-Lighting-Techniques-Part-3]high in the branches of a fairly large tree. The effect can be very dramatic; with the branches, foliage and blooms of a ...

Home & Garden: How to Level a Shed

How to Level a Shed

A garden shed with a slope to the floor and roof may look unattractive and detract from the look of the backyard. The original construction may have been faulty, or the ground may have settled under one of the shed's foundation beams. The process of leveling the shed varies depending on the foundati

Home & Garden: How To Build Your Outdoor Shed

How To Build Your Outdoor Shed

Building your own outdoor shed may be a little easier than most people think. There are a lot of shortcut techniques that make this a fun project. One of the major benefits to building your ...

Home & Garden: Video: How to Become a Better Gardener

Video: How to Become a Better Gardener

Video Transcript On behalf of Expert Village, my name is Craig Morrell I¡¯m with Landscape Restorations in Miami, Florida. We¡¯re here at Palm Hammock Orchid Estate in Miami, Florida talking about basic gardening. One of the most important parts of gardening especially early on is get...

Home & Garden: What Are Wind Spinners and Where to Use Them?

What Are Wind Spinners and Where to Use Them?

Are you unfamiliar with the term wind spinners? Or do you think of a kid's toy that blows in the wind? This article will provide information on how the wind spinner evolved into an extravagant piece of steel art. There are many perks to a stainless steel wind spinner and I will go over that wit

Home & Garden: Privacy Fence Instructions

Privacy Fence Instructions

A privacy fence is a fence with a purpose. It is not built for beauty, but rather to keep the enclosed area a private, personal space. It also works wonderfully for defining the property lines. It's typically six feet tall, but the height may vary based on what building and neighborhood codes allow.

Home & Garden: Should We Have Grass Or Gravel in Our Yard?

Should We Have Grass Or Gravel in Our Yard?

When you think about renovating your home or staging it, the first and best place to start entire exercise is the front yard. This is when you are confronted with the question of whether you should choose grass or gravel for your yard. While both these looks have their own advantages, the best way f

Home & Garden: Types of Landscape Lighting

Types of Landscape Lighting

Once you have had your garden landscaped and you now want to show it off, the best way to do this is with landscape lighting. The effect of subtle lighting in strategic places to show off the garden at night is truly magical.

Home & Garden: How to Fix Your Rough Lawn

How to Fix Your Rough Lawn

Rough lawns are generally a sign of underlying problems, such as insects infestation, too much shade, disease or improper cultivating practices. Once a lawn has developed a rough, patchy texture, it can be difficult to mow, and it can suffer from weed growth. To fix rough lawns, gardeners must re-es

Home & Garden: How to Remove Dead Grass From a Lawn

How to Remove Dead Grass From a Lawn

Before removing dead grass from your yard, it's important to find out the cause of death. Over-watering, the wrong kind of fertilizer, pests and poor soil drainage can leave grass looking brown and dead. Conduct a soil pH test on your yard to ensure that your pH range is the right balance for the ty

Home & Garden: How to Keep Grass From Growing on My Patio Pavers

How to Keep Grass From Growing on My Patio Pavers

When it is pollination season, the wind picks up and carries seeds everywhere. They land on cars and trucks, and onto your house and equipment. A great way to prevent the seeds from germinating on your possessions is to spray them with a light layer of vinegar. The vinegar will prevent even the toug

Home & Garden: How to Replace the Drive Belt on a Rear-Drive Lawnmower

How to Replace the Drive Belt on a Rear-Drive Lawnmower

Replacing the drive belt on a rear-drive lawnmower can save you some money if you do it yourself. With patience, a bit of mechanical aptitude, some tools and the owner's manual, you'll have that mower back in action in no time.

Home & Garden: Synthetic Grass Perth - Get the Right Information

Synthetic Grass Perth - Get the Right Information

With the advancement in technology and busy lifestyle schedules, people these days aim to make their life much easier and more comfortable. One of the lifestyles changes that are taking place is the adoption of ...

Home & Garden: How to Do Low Cost Landscaping?

How to Do Low Cost Landscaping?

Landscaping is the right thing to do, especially when are bored of the way the property looks or need to do some additional things for better greenery. While many owners of homes like to do ...

Home & Garden: DIY: Adirondack Chair

DIY: Adirondack Chair

The popular Adirondack chair is a classic piece of outdoor furniture which is an excellent choice for the beginner furniture builder. It requires only basic tools and woodworking skills to build -- no joinery or fittings. Best of all, the design is flexible and very forgiving, requiring a low leve