Home & Garden: Landscaping with Rocks

Landscaping with Rocks

Most people think of plants when they consider landscaping, but rocks are versatile and beautiful landscape elements too. You can choose from a variety of sizes and types of rocks and use them in a number of ways in both formal or informal gardens.

Home & Garden: How to Take Care of a Lawn in February

How to Take Care of a Lawn in February

Landscaping around a home creates a pleasant outdoor ambiance, providing both a play and entertainment area for your family and guests. For large yards especially, the spring and summer months bring an extensive amount of work as the lawn is mowed, watered, and fertilized. In regions where the first

Home & Garden: How to Control Globe Sedge in St. Augustine Grass

How to Control Globe Sedge in St. Augustine Grass

Globe sedge, also called Cyperus globulosus Aublet, is a weedy grass that often infects lawns consisting of St. Augustine grass. The weed is identifiable by its tall green shoots that have tiny, green, spiky balls on the top. Over time, these spiky balls harden and may prick the skin if touched. The

Home & Garden: How to Install Compression Rings on Vinyl Plastic Tubing

How to Install Compression Rings on Vinyl Plastic Tubing

Highly flexible vinyl plastic tubing serves many purposes for your small water volume plumbing needs. Use it for an ice maker or a small plant watering system. Its smooth surfaces never corrode, and prevent the buildup of any bacterial growth, either inside or outside of the tubing. To install a fit

Home & Garden: Harness the Sun with Outdoor Solar Lighting

Harness the Sun with Outdoor Solar Lighting

Bringing the darkness of night to life is as easy as harnessing the sun's power using outdoor solar lighting. It is an age-old fact that the sun is a powerhouse that can be captured and ...

Home & Garden: Finding Pergola Designs, Plans and Kits

Finding Pergola Designs, Plans and Kits

Looking over your backyard, couldn't you just see a fantastic pergola that will add both structure and height to your otherwise boring yard? As a starting point for any backyard landscaping project, a pergola will set the tone and establish a place that you can build from.With the large variety

Home & Garden: Why You Need to Take Care of Your Trees

Why You Need to Take Care of Your Trees

Mother Nature can pack a real wallop on the trees in and around your home. When trees aren't maintained properly, they can cause a great deal of damage to your property - especially during Queensland's notorious summer storms. Protect your home by keeping your trees in tiptop shape.

Home & Garden: How to Seal a Rooftop Deck

How to Seal a Rooftop Deck

An outdoor rooftop deck is a useful space to entertain friends and family and enjoy the weather. However, the constant exposure to the weather is one thing that can ruin the deck's wood in a hurry. With a waterproof sealant application every two to three years, though, you can greatly extend the lif

Home & Garden: How to Grow Cobra Lily With a Drip System

How to Grow Cobra Lily With a Drip System

Home flower gardens feature a range of garden annuals and perennials for lush foliage and bright flowering. Gardeners who want something a little different, though, try carnivorous plants like the cobra lily, or Darlingtonia californica. These plants grow naturally in the forests of southern Oregon

Home & Garden: UniFlame WAD820SP 34-Inch Slate and Marble Firepit Review

UniFlame WAD820SP 34-Inch Slate and Marble Firepit Review

Warm up and ignite the next outdoor celebration in your backyard or porch with this elegant UniFlame WAD820SP 34-Inch Slate & Marble Firepit with Copper Accents. The attractive combination of slate and marble will easily blend in with your theme and decor. You will easily fall in love with the littl

Home & Garden: Do-It-Yourself Wooden Bench

Do-It-Yourself Wooden Bench

Wooden benches in the garden or on a porch or patio provide a traditional, homey feel, as well as an extra place to sit down. If your bench will be out in the open, choose a hardy, naturally rot-resistant wood like cedar or else a treated lumber so that your efforts are not wasted on a bench that wi

Home & Garden: A Quick Step Guide to Install an Outdoor Patio With Pavers

A Quick Step Guide to Install an Outdoor Patio With Pavers

A patio has a way of drawing people outdoors and pavers make excellent patios. Take the time to decide which color and style you want on your property, in addition to planning any necessary landscaping around the area. Set aside a couple of weekends to complete the project --- after all, rushing the

Home & Garden: Make an Ideal Garden

Make an Ideal Garden

It is relatively simple to do exactly the minimum focus on the over and above the home. Part of the issue with this could be because you do not know what to do to help ...

Home & Garden: How to Overseed a Yard

How to Overseed a Yard

Overseeding a yard is a way of adding grass seed without needing to remove the turf you already have. Overseed thin or worn areas of your yard to repair them and to supplement your current grass with a better adapted variety. In the south and southwest, some homeowners overseed their yards each fall

Home & Garden: Edible Landscaping Bushes

Edible Landscaping Bushes

Many people enjoy the look and fragrance of a bush that grows edible fruits. These bushes serve an economical purpose as well, since they produce fruit that can be expensive to purchase at the grocery store.

Home & Garden: How to Apply Fertilome Plus Iron Lawn Food

How to Apply Fertilome Plus Iron Lawn Food

Manufactured by Voluntary Products Group, or VPG, ferti-lome is a line of lawn care products that includes ferti-lome 24-0-4 lawn food plus iron. Ferti-lome lawn food plus iron contains 24 percent nitrogen combined with 3 percent iron to help lawns turn a lush, deep green and maintain their color al

Home & Garden: The Disadvantages of Vinyl Fencing

The Disadvantages of Vinyl Fencing

Depending on where you live, vinyl fences may not be the solution.Fence and shadow of fence on snowy ground.. image by LiteWave from Fotolia.comVinyl fences have grown in popularity because they are low maintenance, easy to install and look good. Once a vinyl fence is installed, it does...

Home & Garden: Video: How to Plant Geraniums in Window Boxes

Video: How to Plant Geraniums in Window Boxes

Video Transcript Hello, this is Mindy McIntosh-Shetter, and today I'm gonna show you how to plant geraniums in window boxes. Now I have a gardening tip for you. Whether your window box is attached to your home, or it detachable, it's very important that you make sure that you clean and...