- 1). Adjust the setting on your spreader to the correct marker for ferti-lome 24-0-4 lawn food plus iron. Different brands of spreaders have different settings. Set Earthway 2850, 2800 and 2050 spreaders to "14." Use the "5" setting for ferti-lome spreaders by Spyker, and Republic and Scotts broadcast brand spreaders. Set Scotts Speedy Green and Republic Drop brand spreaders at "6." Earthway Drop 7800B uses the "17" setting. Set Precision broadcast and Red Devil brand spreaders to "10."
- 2). Pour ferti-lome lawn food plus iron 24-0-4 fertilizer from the bag into the broadcast setter to the level recommended by the spreader's manufacturer.
- 3). Begin rolling the spreader over the lawn just as you would if you were using a lawn mower. You can push the spreader in straight lines horizontally across the lawn or vertically. Start with the edges of the lawn and work your way to the center, or go in ever-shrinking circles. The pattern does not matter as long as you obtain complete coverage with the spreader.
- 4). Refill the spreader before all the fertilizer is dispensed, to ensure you do not inadvertently skimp on some areas.
- 5). Clean up any spillage when you finish spreading the fertilizer. Sweep spilled fertilizer into the grass.
- 6). Water thoroughly to soak the fertilizer into the roots of the grass and wash the grass blades to prevent fertilizer burn.