Video Transcript
Hello, this is Mindy McIntosh-Shetter, and today I'm gonna show you how to plant geraniums in window boxes. Now I have a gardening tip for you. Whether your window box is attached to your home, or it detachable, it's very important that you make sure that you clean and sterilize your box prior to planting. Now what you're gonna do is you're gonna put some drainage material in the bottom of this container. Now you can use pot shards, but what I like to use is paper coffee filters, and your going to place them covering the drainage holes like this. The next step of the process is to add soil to the container. If you are a forgetful gardener, you may consider adding a slow release fertilizer. The next step of the process is to dig a hole that is large enough to hold your root mass, and if you need to you can kind of push down the roots, and then fill in around the geranium. Once you have your entire window box planted, water in thoroughly until you see water coming out the bottom of your window box, and that will be an indication that the planter is thoroughly moistened.