Home & Garden: How to Cut Fields With Brush Cutters

How to Cut Fields With Brush Cutters

If you have an overgrown field, few things will clear it as well as a brush cutter. Brush cutters are available as large attachments that need to be mounted to your farm tractor, or as simple machines that operate like a lawn mower. The latter is the most popular type of brush cutter, as it is easy

Home & Garden: How to Lay Garden Pavers

How to Lay Garden Pavers

Laying garden pavers challenges most do-it-yourselfers because designing your project, doing the excavation, and readying the base can be daunting, taking about 90 percent of the project's time. You may need to adapt your design as you excavate as you will better notice elevations that must be level

Home & Garden: Upholstering a Boot Bench Cushion

Upholstering a Boot Bench Cushion

A boot bench is any small, often unpadded stool that is used to sit upon while putting on or removing shoes or boots. These small benches can be found in foyers, mudrooms and other rooms in the home where people are likely to change their clothing. Small benches are also common in bathrooms where th

Home & Garden: Natural Stone Landscaping Ideas

Natural Stone Landscaping Ideas

Landscape with stones to improve the appearance of your yard.Lot of different sea stones. White, black, brown, motley stones. image by wolandmaster from Fotolia.comAccording to Dictionary.com, the purpose of landscaping is to "improve the appearance of (an area of land, a highway and so...

Home & Garden: List of Snapper Lawn Mower Parts

List of Snapper Lawn Mower Parts

Snapper manufactures a variety of residential lawn equipment, including walk-behind mowers, zero-turn mowers and riding mowers. The SPV22675HW is one of the most powerful lawn mowers available through the company. As of 2011, the price of the Snapper lawn mower is about $350 and comes with a two-yea

Home & Garden: Fire Pits - Reasons Why You Should Own One

Fire Pits - Reasons Why You Should Own One

If you've had experience camping out in the wilderness or went through a summer camp, then chances are high that you have also experienced the warmth and relaxation of a glowing campfire. If you are someone who's longing to experience such warmth again but do not have the luxury of a free

Home & Garden: What Causes Dark Green Rings in Fescue Grass?

What Causes Dark Green Rings in Fescue Grass?

Fescue is a fast-germinating, cool-season grass. The coarse-textured grass tolerates compacted soils and heavy traffic. Fescue comes in a number of turf varieties and keeps its color year-round in areas with mild weather. A fungal infection causes dark green circles in the grass.

Home & Garden: Do Any Plants Grow Well in Tree Stumps?

Do Any Plants Grow Well in Tree Stumps?

A tree stump in the wild remaining after a storm or lightning strike brought the top of the tree to the ground decays at its leisure. At times, the stump stays barren as it crumbles away. Other times, hollowed areas fill with fertile soil. Seeds germinate, and a new ecosystem is born. Tree stumps le

Home & Garden: 8 Tips For Caring For Your Yard Inflatables

8 Tips For Caring For Your Yard Inflatables

Yard inflatables are one of the hottest trends this holiday season. They are whimsical, colorful, widely available and not that expensive. They also come in all shapes, sizes and figures. In many ways they are the perfect holiday yard decoration.

Home & Garden: How Turf is Different From Astro Turf

How Turf is Different From Astro Turf

Actually a trademark name, Astro turf has become synonym with artificial turf nowadays. Made up of synthetic fibers, it is used in sports arenas.

Home & Garden: How do I Get Rid of Ajuga?

How do I Get Rid of Ajuga?

Ajuga reptans, also known as Bugleweed and carpetweed, is a plant that forms dense, spreading mats that can offer effective groundcover for shaded areas. However, ajuga can be invasive and run rampant, taking over large areas of a landscape. These plants share traits with other members of the mint f

Home & Garden: Why Front Yard Landscaping Is Important

Why Front Yard Landscaping Is Important

Did you know that one way to beautify your home is to have a landscaped front yard? And, one of the best front yard landscaping ideas is to have a tree in front of your house.

Home & Garden: Garden Edge Ideas

Garden Edge Ideas

Garden edging serves several purposes. It prevents turf from growing into beds and keeps garden plants from growing into the lawn, eliminating the need to regularly spade around growing areas. It is an attractive garden and landscape decorative aspect. It defines the garden area and creates a clean

Home & Garden: Retaining Walls for Flower Beds

Retaining Walls for Flower Beds

Retaining walls for flower beds are simple to install. Build them out of either lumber or rocks, but do not use treated lumber when building the retaining walls for your flower bed as this can be poisonous to some species of flowers. When building wooden retaining walls, any type of wood is fine to

Home & Garden: Can You Cut Wet Grass With an Electric Mower?

Can You Cut Wet Grass With an Electric Mower?

Your personal safety should be your top priority when using any power tool. While there are specific guidelines for safe operation in the manufacturer-supplied users' manuals for electric lawn mowers, many terms may be unclear or open to interpretation. There may also be questions as to why the guid

Home & Garden: What Causes Pin Oak Galls?

What Causes Pin Oak Galls?

Pin oak galls are the biological brainchild of insects, primarily wasps, that have discovered a way to get the tree to build both a home and a food source for the eggs and larvae of the pest. Rather than doing it themselves, they stimulate the tissue of the tree to grow a protective covering.

Home & Garden: Installation of a Trapdoor

Installation of a Trapdoor

Installing a trapdoor through a plywood subfloor is a simple procedure requiring less than an hour in most cases. Framing needs to be added underneath to support the door; then it is just a matter of cutting the trap in the plywood and adding hinges to make the door easily accessible. Remove any car

Home & Garden: How Does Composting Help a Garden?

How Does Composting Help a Garden?

Composting is Mother Nature's recycling program. In natural fields and forests, microorganisms found in the soil break down dead plant and animal material, returning the nutrients to the soil for living plants to take up again and improving soil structure with the addition of organic matter. You can

Home & Garden: How Does a Solar Electric Fence Work?

How Does a Solar Electric Fence Work?

Solar Electric FencesElectric Fence ChargerFor many years electric fences have been used to manage and control livestock and wildlife. Electric fencing has become a popular, cost-effective solution to livestock control in comparison to traditional fences. Solar electric fences are also...

Home & Garden: How Does IP Video Surveillance Work?

How Does IP Video Surveillance Work?

In today's small world, where millions of people who have never met come into contact everyday, security is more important and harder to provide. Fortunately, security technology has improved to address this problem. Video surveillance is an important tool, being used in a wide variety of areas--fro