- Electric Fence Charger
For many years electric fences have been used to manage and control livestock and wildlife. Electric fencing has become a popular, cost-effective solution to livestock control in comparison to traditional fences. Solar electric fences are also believed by many to be a safer alternative for livestock animals than traditional wire fencing. - Solar Electric Battery Charger Unit With Panel
When installing a solar electric fence components include ground posts, wire or mesh, a solar battery, and a solar electric fence panel. The solar-paneled electric fence charger must face south in direct sunlight in order to provide energy. Once the charger unit is connected and wired to the fence, the sun provides the energy force to the fence via the solar-paneled battery unit. When the livestock run up against the fence, a shock occurs causing the livestock to move away from the fence. The charger unit should be charged in direct sunlight for about 24 hours prior to attaching and energizing the fence. It is also important to frequently check the voltage power on the fence with an electric fence tester after energizing the fence - Solar Panel
When installing the ground rods, it is important to install several rods sufficiently into the earth. There should be at least three ground rods installed and they should be about six to eight feet long. They should be galvanized and attached using very good ground clamps. This is because the electricity has to complete a full circle back to the solar charger all the way through the ground. If the grounding of the rods is inadequate, the shocks will be weak to the livestock. It is also important not to use different metals. If steel is attached to copper wires, the metals will corrode and result in a weak contact. The interior cross fence posts cannot be too close either. The fence needs to respond much like a rubber band effect when the livestock runs into the wire. Having the post closer than about 80 feet can cause the insulators to break or cause the posts to be pulled away from the ground. However, if the posts are far enough apart, such as between 80 to 100 feet, the wire will respond like a rubber band and bend toward the ground, but spring back into place.
Solar Electric Fences
Solar Panels and Electric Fences