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8 Tips For Caring For Your Yard Inflatables

Yard inflatables are one of the hottest trends this holiday season.
They are whimsical, colorful, widely available and not that expensive.
They also come in all shapes, sizes and figures.
In many ways they are the perfect holiday yard decoration.
So, if you have a yard inflatable, or are planning on purchasing one, here are 8 tips for taking care of them.
By following these few tips, your inflatable should last many years.
) When the weather is really bad, like ice or heavy winds, don't try and set up your inflatable.
) If you notice a hole in your inflatable, patch it immediately.
Heavier vinyls can be sewn with thread and than covered with clear tape.
Or, many times, you can simply patch the hole with an inflatable patch kit or even clear packaging tape or duct tape.
) Before storing your inflatable, make sure it is dry.
Then fold or roll it and place it in a dry place (and cool, preferably).
You can also put them in storage boxes for extra protection.
) One of the most common problems when the lights and fan don't work is the fuse.
Most times an extra fuse comes with the inflatable, otherwise take your old one to the hardware store and buy a few to have on hand.
) If your inflatable won't inflate, make sure there are no holes or tears in the inflatable.
Sometimes inflatable's have a zipper.
Make sure it is fully closed.
Other problems could be with the fan.
Is it working? If so, make sure it is not blocked or is not sitting on a piece of the inflatable and keeping it from inflating.
) Inflatables can be cleaned with a damp cloth and mild detergent if needed.
Just make sure the inflatable is dry if you are planning on storing it.
) Sometimes a part of an inflatable (like an arm) may not be moving.
If this is the case, make sure it is not twisted or tangled in something - like the electrical cord.
A twisted (or crimped) part will impede the air flow and prevent it from inflating.
) Your yard inflatable is probably not of commercial grade.
Therefore you need to treat it a little more gently.
Commercial inflatables are made with a heavier nylon and more robust fans as compared to your simple home inflatable.
All this means is that you should take care with its use.
Don't abuse it and run it all the time - like every day.
If you take reasonable care of it, your inflatable should last quite a few years.
There you have 8 tips that you can use to keep your yard inflatable, inflating for many years.
As they say, a little care goes a long way.
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