Health & Medical: 1-Piece Maternity Swimwear

1-Piece Maternity Swimwear

Many women find maternity swimwear shopping overwhelming, as there are so many brands and styles to choose from that it can often become exhausting. Hitting the stores or online shops prepared is one way to make the experience less stressful. By knowing what style of swimsuit one likes as well as se

Health & Medical: pregnancy week 8

pregnancy week 8

Everywhere hurries and worries. The world complaining now - I am tired, need a break. Well, its true - we all need a break, a stop, a period that would relax us, that would act ...

Health & Medical: Famous Celebrity Paternity Cases

Famous Celebrity Paternity Cases

Famous people. We constantly want to know what is happening with life, whether it's about the prosperity of their careers or the lowest point of their personal lives. In 2004, about 300,000 DNA paternity tests had been performed, but famous person paternity lab tests and instances have invariab

Health & Medical: Hormonal Methods of Birth Control

Hormonal Methods of Birth Control

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of hormonal methods of birth control including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: 19 Weeks Pregnant

19 Weeks Pregnant

This photo of Jacqueline shows her at 19 weeks gestation.

Health & Medical: Pregnancy - The Facts

Pregnancy - The Facts

Finding out that you're pregnant can be one of the happiest days of your life.You're going to be bringing a new person into the world and adding to your family.However, with pregnancy comes a lot of responsibility for the health of you and your child.To be sure that the both of you have an

Health & Medical: Critical Mass: Peculiarities of Pregnancy for Overweight Women

Critical Mass: Peculiarities of Pregnancy for Overweight Women

Adiposity is not just an overweight in organism. This is a chronic recurring disease, which contributes to display and development of many other chronic diseases. This disease also influences pregnancy.Basic sign of adiposity is overweight in organism. Adipose tissue is a depot (place of accumulatio

Health & Medical: Pregnancy Skin Care Products

Pregnancy Skin Care Products

There are plenty of products out there that are available for pregnancy skin care, including to try to help relieve itching and hopefully reduce stretch marks.

Health & Medical: Treatments Your Infertility Doctor May Suggest

Treatments Your Infertility Doctor May Suggest

Many couples dream of conceiving a child but find a roadblock in their way. When you set out to see one of these specialists, you are hoping that roadblock can be removed. The doctor has several weapons at his disposal, and he will discuss each option with you before taking any action.

Health & Medical: Relieve Pregnancy Sciatica

Relieve Pregnancy Sciatica

Are you a pregnant mother and suffering from the dreadful symptoms of sciatic nerve pain? Sciatica in pregnancy is one of the most painful and unfortunately most common condition affecting pregnant women. The pain can be so sharp and so bad as to even prevent walking or standing up. This article on