Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Trying to Get Pregnant Quickly? 3 Easy Tips to Get Pregnant As Quickly As Possible

If you are trying to get pregnant quickly here are 3 easy tips that will help you get pregnant as quickly as possible.
Don't do it too often, but often enough
To get pregnant you obviously have to have sex at the right time to catch that egg.
Often, no one has told you how often you should have sex though.
It is kind of hard to tell to be honest.
If your partner has a normal sperm count (and if you haven't heard otherwise, just assume that he does for now) you can have sex as often as daily around the time of ovulation without any negative impact on his sperm count.
If you know though that he has a low or marginal sperm count it is actually better to have sex every other day instead.
This gives his little swimmers some time to build up and get ready for their big job.
More than once a day is not the best however, even if he has a normal sperm count.
Every guy needs time to regenerate his boys and doing it more than once a day means there won't be many swimmers around and they could be wasted.
Choose the right position
Yep, even the position you have sex in could make a difference! It is obvious that some positions are not as good when trying to get pregnant, for example most positions where you stand or sit on your partner.
These positions make it hard for the sperm to stay in and do their job.
That's why positions that allow deep penetration are actually considered the best when trying to conceive.
They allow your partner to be exactly where he should be when he ejaculates, right in front of your cervix.
Two of the probably most common positions that allow this deep penetration are the missionary position with the man on top and "doggie style" with you on your hands and knees.
Pinpoint when you are most fertile
Did you know that you are only fertile for about 3 to 4 days during each cycle? Those are the days immediately before you ovulate and on the day of ovulation.
It should be really easy now to find out when you ovulate each month and then simply have sex around that time, shouldn't it? Unfortunately, there is a little problem that kind of stops us...
you don't necessarily ovulate at the same time each time.
Sometimes you ovulate 14 days after your cycle started, sometimes you don't ovulate until day 21 or even later.
Many things can actually keep you from ovulating regularly...
for example stress, some types of medicine, illness, travelling, or weight gain.
Don't worry though, there are some hints our body gives us that tell us that you are about to ovulate.
One of them is your cervical mucus, that sticky stuff you often see in your underwear.
Usually there is hardly any of that stuff for a few days or so after you stopped bleeding, then it suddenly becomes sticky or tacky for a day or two, before it becomes creamy.
After you had creamy cervical mucus for a few more days you will usually notice slippery or egg-white mucus next.
This is exactly the one we are looking for! This egg-white mucus is clear in color, and it kind of resembles egg-white in its consistency, hence its name.
Once you notice this mucus it means you are probably ovulating in the next 12 to 36 hours so go and grab your partner now;-)
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