Health & Medical: Wheatgrass Uses – Beneficial Applications

Wheatgrass Uses – Beneficial Applications

Wheatgrass use has been recorded in the past centuries on more than one occasion. Our ancestors used it to treat various conditions. They applied it to sore wounds to make them heal faster and they ...

Health & Medical: Exactly What Are Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stones - How You Can Dissolve Them

Exactly What Are Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stones - How You Can Dissolve Them

Having kidney stones is never a good experience, but sometimes stones like calcium oxalate kidney stones form and must be dealt with. Once you know that you have kidney stones you have three options. Ignore them and endure the problems they cause, have them surgically removed (effective but expensiv

Health & Medical: Home Cures Which Have Been Proven To Work

Home Cures Which Have Been Proven To Work

Going to the doctor seriously isn't anybody's idea of fun. There tend to be long waits both in the waiting room and then in the examination room. Nobody wants to deal with high priced co-pays ...

Health & Medical: Home Remedies For Sprains And Strains - That Will Actually Work

Home Remedies For Sprains And Strains - That Will Actually Work

Sprains and strains can be very disturbing some times and for this reason should always see to it that, the right steps are taken all the time. This is truly something so necessary and for this reason should always be made known all the time.

Health & Medical: Save Money With Medical Supplies Online

Save Money With Medical Supplies Online

The rising price of health care is an issue Americans can no longer afford to ignore. In the past decade alone, health insurance premiums grew by 100 percent! When we look back a little further, ...

Health & Medical: Healing your body with Ayurvedic Products

Healing your body with Ayurvedic Products

Ayurveda was born 5000 years ago in India. This ancient medicinal system relied mainly on herbs and herbal formulations and tried to heal a body by restoring the balance of its many functions.

Health & Medical: Does Acupuncture Help With Insomnia?

Does Acupuncture Help With Insomnia?

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method to combat sleeplessness. To treat Insomnia, people sometimes use acupuncture. It is the best source of treating insomnia for many ages. Insomnia is a disorder in which the sufferer ...

Health & Medical: How to Apply Chiropractic Modalities With Personal Training

How to Apply Chiropractic Modalities With Personal Training

Chiropractic care, as a health care discipline and profession, emphasizes treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders associated with the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spinal region. According to, statistics show that as many as nine out of ten people will, at some

Health & Medical: Removal of Gallstones without Surgery

Removal of Gallstones without Surgery

Surgical treatment for gallstones is permanent removal of the gallbladder. This will cause very severe consequences which may be even fatal. Removal of gallstones without surgery is the ideal way of t

Health & Medical: Wichita Chiropractors and the Birth of Chiropractic

Wichita Chiropractors and the Birth of Chiropractic

In any case, Wichita chiropractors advise periodic checkups to help avoid pelvic or spinal problems. Many people suffering from back or joint pain rely on painkillers to give them relief. However, this only deal with ...



One of the popular herbs that is use widely to help in the prevention of cold and flus is echinacea. Echinacea is believed to reduce the symptoms of Cold and Flu and helps in the ...

Health & Medical: Treatment For Inner Hemorrhoids

Treatment For Inner Hemorrhoids

Treatment for inner hemorrhoids is very much the same as for all other types of hemorrhoids, including those which are thrombosed and those which appear outside of the rectum. One of the most common reasons why people get inner hemorrhoids is exertion when on the toilet passing a stool. Very often,

Health & Medical: The Emerging Trend of Natural Medicine

The Emerging Trend of Natural Medicine

An increasing number of people opt for natural medicine these days simply because they realize that the cost for conventional medicine is becoming more and more expensive and organic medicine is a lot