Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Save Money With Medical Supplies Online

The rising price of health care is an issue Americans can no longer afford to ignore. In the past decade alone, health insurance premiums grew by 100 percent! When we look back a little further, we find that health care spending has risen from 7.5 to 17.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) since 1971. On a per capita basis, the United States spends more than twice as much on health care as the average OECD country. These are sobering statistics that every American should be aware of.

Something has to change

Because medical costs are rising across the board, hospitals are often forced to make some hard choices just to stay afloat. Many are forced to close unprofitable but essential departments in order to stay within budget. A recent report found that the number of hospital emergency rooms has decline by nearly 30 percent in the last two decades. Emergency rooms! The places people are rushed to when they are in desperate need of medical assistance.

At the same time, the total number of emergency room visits jumps by more than 35 percent. With lower supply and greater demand, long wait times, inferior service, and even accidents have all increased. If the degringolade is allowed to continue, the results could be catastrophic.

Fight the good fight

There is little those on the front lines can do to address the aforementioned issues. Doctors, nurses, and administrators cannot make health care cheaper. In fact, most struggle just to keep the doors open. Only about half of the hospitals in America are profitable. The other half either breakeven or lose money.

The person who is most directly responsible for controlling costs is the hospital administrator. It is her job to handle the business operations of the facility. Her primary responsibility is to make sure that the hospital provides a consistently high level of care at the lowest possible price. To accomplish this goal, she must examine the efficiency of every operation, which includes the productively of her staff.

Medical supplies online

Hospital administrators are also responsible for procuring medical supplies and equipment. It is their job to locate reliable vendors and suppliers that offer competitive prices. This includes food items, drug supplies, equipment and machines, and disposables. Believe it or not, it is often the cheaper items that really add up.

Hospitals use massive amounts of disposables. Hundreds, possibly even thousands of pounds of bandages, gauze, wipes, band-aids, paper towels, cleaning supplies, and sterilizers are used and discarded at the average facility each and every day. By ordering medical supplies online, hospital administrators can save big bucks.

How does it work?

The internet makes it much cheaper for an owner to operate his business. Since he doesn't need a regular brick and mortar store, he can save on overhead costs like rent, utilities, taxes, and large staffs. He is then free to pass these saving along to his customers in the form of lower prices. Buying medical supplies online is generally more affordable than ordering the same items from a traditional supplier.

But some hospital administrators are reluctant to make the change. Not because online sellers are unreliable, but because, in most cases, they have excellent working relationships with their suppliers. They may have been doing business with them for decades. But at the end of the day, the financial health and stability of the hospital takes precedence.

Because of their size and consumption, most hospitals have leverage, which gives them the ability to negotiate with online suppliers. Contracts and commitments to purchase bulk orders can help them save beaucoup bucks on kerlix 6715 sterile gauze and other essential disposables.
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