Business & Finance: How Death of Investment Banking Will Affect Emerging Markets

How Death of Investment Banking Will Affect Emerging Markets

The last two big investment banks, Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) and Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS), have abandoned their freewheeling, frat-boy days to become bank holding companies. The move puts them under stricter Federal regulation. More important, they will now look to more conservative sources of money -

Business & Finance: Sound Money and Deflation

Sound Money and Deflation

With the enormous leaps in industrial productivity over the 20th century, shouldn't a penny now buy me at least 10 Snickers bars instead of nothing? Or how fiat money serves to prolong the life of capitalism while libertarians are ironically fighting to make capitalism disappear.

Business & Finance: Financial Regulation - Cheering on the Battle of Micro and Macro

Financial Regulation - Cheering on the Battle of Micro and Macro

As any first-year econ student will tell you, there are two disciplines in economics - microeconomics and macroeconomics. And they do not like each other. As the U.S. Congress prepares to drop the hammer on the financial services industry, let's consider the forces that are butting heads and wh

Business & Finance: Online User Behavior and the Digital Divide

Online User Behavior and the Digital Divide

With the increased proliferation of ICTs in many newly industrializing nations research about the so-called digital divide should shift its focus from infrastructure to soci-cultural factors that influence Internet usage.

Business & Finance: Bad News In The Us For Natural Gas Sector

Bad News In The Us For Natural Gas Sector

Environmental consequences of new natural gas drilling methods have prompted governments to ban the activity due to voter outrage. Earthquakes and polluted water tables are chief among the issues caused by horizontal drilling and "fracking."

Business & Finance: Ten Job Growth Ideas For America

Ten Job Growth Ideas For America

The United States is presently at a cross road of economic development that can only be decided by politicians, union leaders as well as business leaders who are willing to invest and put Americans back to work. Practical working solutions are needed which will ultimately help Americans go back to w

Business & Finance: Budget Session 2008 Crucial for Indian Political Scenario

Budget Session 2008 Crucial for Indian Political Scenario

Budget 2008-09 is just around the corner and everybody - from the common man to industry experts - can hardly wait for the day to come. People are hoping to get more relief from United Progressive Alliance's (UPA) Government in this Budget.

Business & Finance: Still Searching For Paul Revere!

Still Searching For Paul Revere!

News flash: Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson have both lost in their competition to be designated this century's Paul Revere. The audition (conducted as a bipartisan charade) might qualify as an attempt at gallows humor.

Business & Finance: Bargain Hunt

Bargain Hunt

In a climate of cutbacks, lay offs and instability, spending on treats is hard to justify. Yes we aren't giving up our summer holidays, but we are choosing to spend them in the Costa del Devon rather than the far warmer and generally more enticing Costa del Sol.

Business & Finance: Welfare Assistance, How Important Is It?

Welfare Assistance, How Important Is It?

With the increasing number of people on welfare assistance, would it be fair to cut the same programs that so many people depend on for assistance? And if people are not able to find employment, what should they do?

Business & Finance: The Effect of Gas Prices on the Economy

The Effect of Gas Prices on the Economy

The USA consumes 400 million gallons of gasoline every day. This with the burgeoning demand from developing nations such as China for gas, has pushed gas prices to record highs, and having an all-pervasive and on-balance a damaging effect on the US economy.

Business & Finance: The Unadulterated Gold Coin Standard

The Unadulterated Gold Coin Standard

I have been pounding the table in favor of the Unadulterated Gold Standard for lo these many years... is it time for a tighter focus, is it time to start pounding the table for the Unadulterated Gold "Coin" standard? The Unadulterated Gold Standard is different from the Classical Gold Stan

Business & Finance: Congress Decides to Extend Jobless Benefits Deadline

Congress Decides to Extend Jobless Benefits Deadline

Congress voted April 15 2010 to roll forward the last day for jobless claimants to file for extended unemployment benefits till June 2 2010, a law President Barack Obama immediately signed into law. This law will restore federal unemployment benefits to over 200,000 jobless Americans would have been

Business & Finance: Greek Default

Greek Default

In a recent news item, Greece has defaulted on its debt. This is bad for the European Union, and bad for the world economy. Greece needs to stop spending more money than it has.

Business & Finance: What's Wrong With the Unemployment Numbers?

What's Wrong With the Unemployment Numbers?

This economy is far from out of the woods, and it won't be until there is robust and sustainable growth in the private sector. When that happens we'll see a real drop in the unemployment rate, not one spuriously induced by questionable statistical methods.

Business & Finance: Down Turn in Economy Coming?

Down Turn in Economy Coming?

Over-regulation, taxation and mismanaged monetary flows are generally blamed for downward trends in the business cycle. Indeed it appears to be planned as bad decisions cost people their livelihoods.

Business & Finance: Canada Reduces Job Creation By 35%

Canada Reduces Job Creation By 35%

In yet another stunning example of gross errors at Statscan, all of 2014's job growth numbers were revised downward by 35%. This likely explains why the Canadian government hastily began lowering rates not a week or so before this announcement. Canada's economy is in big trouble, and the g

Business & Finance: Philosophy of the Economy Part Three

Philosophy of the Economy Part Three

There could be distinguished probably many Current International Levels of Development but for simplifying this philosophical conception we will are allocating 5.It is characterized with growing large empires and settling of tribes: described by the Odyssey and Iliad, also by the Old Testament; and

Business & Finance: National Karmic Debt

National Karmic Debt

If the multi trillion dollar national debt has become meaninless to us, perhaps it's time to take a good look at karma