Business & Finance Economics

Has the American Dollar Been Destroyed?

Will the dollar be destroyed with the global currency crisis? A new global currency and new world order will be strengthened with the collapse of the dollar.
A one world government is on the way.
This is compounded with an economic depression and inflation.
The trends of a new world currency are precipitated by the increasing devaluing of the dollar worldwide.
Even though you may be living within your means, price increases everywhere outstrip the rate at which the average American can save their money.
Disparities exist between the cost of labor between America and third world countries.
These disparities negatively impact American economics.
The American system is in danger of collapse.
Market forces are forcing a realignment of currencies.
How will this affect you? One example would be an erosion of our overall standard of living.
Our change from a nation that produces products to a nation that predominately produces services sets the stage for a major depression.
Producers have clout.
Producers are influential.
And producers are respected.
As a nation with a depressed manufacturing base, we have moved from being producers to consumers.
We consume a disproportionate volume of the worlds products.
However, we do not produce enough to balance trade.
The American economic system is in trouble.
Our monetary system is built around the dollar, since we as citizens can no longer hoard gold bullion.
The demise of the dollar has accelerated during the last 20 years.
The unit of accounting for goods and services has changed due to the political whims of key politicians.
An example would be the inherent value of a quarter made of silver.
25 years ago you could purchase a loaf of bread for that quarter.
That same quarter today would still buy a loaf of bread because of the metal content of that quarter.
The problem is that there is a worldwide abundance of dollars.
There is an overabundance of dollars which are given a value by the government.
This value is fiat.
And fiat means by dictate.
Paper money is returning to its intrinsic value.
And that value is simply paper and ink.
A historic example would be the money of Germany during the 1930s.
The German government printed so much money so fast, that at one period the money was only printed on one side.
German citizens who owned something of enduring value such as precious metal coins were much better of than those who did not.
So what should you do to protect yourself? Remain aware of how the dollar is affected by forces beyond your control.
Save as much as possible, while also buying coins that have a valuable metal content.
Form associations focused around trading and bartering.
Become politically active.
Keep in mind that your vote counts.
And finally, develop a survival plan for you and your family that includes living with one half of your current resources.
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