News flash: Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson have both lost in their competition to be designated this century's Paul Revere.
The audition (conducted as a bipartisan charade) might qualify as an attempt at gallows humor.
Former Sen.
Simpson is obviously jealous that his rumored cousin Bart gets more laughs than he does.
Bowles, unable to secure elected office, previews committee recommendations which are to be released in December as though he had laryngitis.
President Obama and his information control team seem to be the only winners.
By appointing a bipartisan commission to draft a plan for reducing budget deficits by 2015 they have effectively removed addressing any solutions to our cancerous fiscal deficit until after the November elections.
Their diagnosis delivered to the Governors Association meeting concludes we have fiscal cancer, cure to come later.
Consequently they are disqualified for the Paul Revere designation.
Previous losers were the commissions chaired by them.
Congress (aka our grandchildren's financial gravedigger) and the major political parties acting like a two-headed horseman are obviously out of the running.
America should graciously thank the commission chairman and request they resign as navigators for America's financial version of the Titanic.
The knowledge that our problem is cancerous is not a shock to anyone attempting to exist outside of Washington.
In December with great fanfare the commission's Christmas present will identify the location of our tumor.
All cancers are operated and controlled from a primary tumor.
It sends out armies of cells to invade organs.
Once the invasion is complete a new satellite tumor begins its growth.
The commission will identify those threatening tumors to be entitlements.
To control the growth of a tumor its nutrition must be limited.
This can be done by modifying the entitlements benefits.
Simultaneously taxes will be increased to modify the pain of benefit reduction.
Congress will receive blame for embellishing a fiscal unhealthy lifestyle.
The primary tumor is not Washington, nor is it entitlements.
The grasshopper generation is cancer central.
Until their mentality is extracted our grandchildren are doomed financially.
Radical surgery such as the coming currency collapse may save them.
We have several modern day Paul Reveres; however until the party at the punch bowl begins to tone down its noise level their message is useless.
The best use for the commission report will be to put it in your grandchildren's Christmas stocking.
It would not be politically correct especially at Christmas time to reveal the practical place to stick it! Plan for the worst - pray for better!
The audition (conducted as a bipartisan charade) might qualify as an attempt at gallows humor.
Former Sen.
Simpson is obviously jealous that his rumored cousin Bart gets more laughs than he does.
Bowles, unable to secure elected office, previews committee recommendations which are to be released in December as though he had laryngitis.
President Obama and his information control team seem to be the only winners.
By appointing a bipartisan commission to draft a plan for reducing budget deficits by 2015 they have effectively removed addressing any solutions to our cancerous fiscal deficit until after the November elections.
Their diagnosis delivered to the Governors Association meeting concludes we have fiscal cancer, cure to come later.
Consequently they are disqualified for the Paul Revere designation.
Previous losers were the commissions chaired by them.
Congress (aka our grandchildren's financial gravedigger) and the major political parties acting like a two-headed horseman are obviously out of the running.
America should graciously thank the commission chairman and request they resign as navigators for America's financial version of the Titanic.
The knowledge that our problem is cancerous is not a shock to anyone attempting to exist outside of Washington.
In December with great fanfare the commission's Christmas present will identify the location of our tumor.
All cancers are operated and controlled from a primary tumor.
It sends out armies of cells to invade organs.
Once the invasion is complete a new satellite tumor begins its growth.
The commission will identify those threatening tumors to be entitlements.
To control the growth of a tumor its nutrition must be limited.
This can be done by modifying the entitlements benefits.
Simultaneously taxes will be increased to modify the pain of benefit reduction.
Congress will receive blame for embellishing a fiscal unhealthy lifestyle.
The primary tumor is not Washington, nor is it entitlements.
The grasshopper generation is cancer central.
Until their mentality is extracted our grandchildren are doomed financially.
Radical surgery such as the coming currency collapse may save them.
We have several modern day Paul Reveres; however until the party at the punch bowl begins to tone down its noise level their message is useless.
The best use for the commission report will be to put it in your grandchildren's Christmas stocking.
It would not be politically correct especially at Christmas time to reveal the practical place to stick it! Plan for the worst - pray for better!