Business & Finance: Economic, Environmental, and Social Alchemy

Economic, Environmental, and Social Alchemy

Current System:Trash goes to land-fills; the guilty go to prisons: both generally just sit there as the rejects of society and economics.Problem:We dont re-use 3/4 of our waste and we don't re-use 3/4 of the manpower of our low-class citizens and inmates.There is very little going on right now

Business & Finance: Is This the Great Depression Again?

Is This the Great Depression Again?

The difference between what happened during the Depression and the current recession is the foreclosure element.During the time of the Depression, there was more of a class distinction than there is now.The middle class did not exist.People were either of the working class and on the poor side, or h

Business & Finance: Government Does Not Create Wealth

Government Does Not Create Wealth

In the United States, we're a week away from some big changes... and the midterm congressional elections are only a part of what's coming. It's deja-vu all over again as the Democrat party, consumed by the ambitions of its most liberal elements, has overreached toward socialism in a w

Business & Finance: Who Will Bail Out - The US Government and the Stock Market

Who Will Bail Out - The US Government and the Stock Market

The facts are I believe anything can happen but digging deeper I realized some very concerning issues. Firstly the US govt has enormous money problems of it's own. The government is much greater in debt than AIG, Fannie and who knows who is next.

Business & Finance: ECB To Offer Unlimited Funds To Banks At Fixed Rate

ECB To Offer Unlimited Funds To Banks At Fixed Rate

The ECB, European Central Bank, today stated it would offer unlimited funds to European banks at a fixed rate in the hope of encouraging banks to start lending to each other again. What effect does this have on the UK?

Business & Finance: Today's Economy - Who Has the Power, Buyers Or Sellers?

Today's Economy - Who Has the Power, Buyers Or Sellers?

The withering economy has sent ripples across the world calling for a consolidated effort to stabilize the foundation and fill in the loopholes avoiding a disastrous impact on the financial system as a whole. It is no doubt that the effect of an inefficiently managed state of affairs and the greed o

Business & Finance: Hillary Clinton Wants to Freeze Interest Rates - But Why?

Hillary Clinton Wants to Freeze Interest Rates - But Why?

Hillary Clinton takes heat from critics who say her plan to freeze interest rates is naive. Economists, political observers and real-estate professionals wonder why she would put forth a plan that has little hope of fixing the crisis in American housing. It seems she may not have a full grasp on the

Business & Finance: Economic Recessions - Benefits and Causes

Economic Recessions - Benefits and Causes

Recessions are caused by natural variations in the business cycle, but that's not to say that they don't have real causes, and furthermore, real benefits associated with them. Economists struggle to define exactly, within an adoptable scope, what these are, but, a few are vary clear.

Business & Finance: Financial Crisis in the US - What Are Your Options?

Financial Crisis in the US - What Are Your Options?

Are you worried about the financial crisis in the US? You should be. It is here and you need to take action to stay safe or you may just get washed away with what is coming our way.

Business & Finance: Home SOS

Home SOS

The credit crunch and mortgage crisis in the U.S. is a culmination of events; some call it the perfect storm.Start with the FEDS easing the overnight lending rate to banks fifteen consecutive times from the period of January 2001 through June 2003. Follow that up with mortgage banks lenient lending

Business & Finance: Oncoming Train in the Recession Tunnel

Oncoming Train in the Recession Tunnel

Factors are coming together in the U.S. financial sector and the economy as a whole that bode so ill that nobody should be fooled by any happy talk from the mainstream media or the government. Let's look at some facts: the economy is continuing to shed jobs at a prodigious rate, and the officia

Business & Finance: State of the UK Economy 2006

State of the UK Economy 2006

Analysis about the current state of the UK economy. Examining prospects for the UK economy in the coming year. In particular focusing on unemployment

Business & Finance: Bailing Out the Stupidity - Is That Funny?

Bailing Out the Stupidity - Is That Funny?

It's funny but it doesn't make me smile. It would be funny if it didn't look very suspicious. The background of the bank crisis makes this case quite eye-opening.

Business & Finance: Changing The Monetary System One Step At A Time

Changing The Monetary System One Step At A Time

Currently we are using a system of monetary exchange in order to help us exchange goods and services. The way this works is that a bank, generally an international bank gives a loan to commercial and local banks that have to be paid back with a certain amount of interest. At this point all the banks

Business & Finance: North Dakota's Revitalization Plan

North Dakota's Revitalization Plan

North Dakota's Senator, Kent Conrad has come up with a plan to revitalize North Dakota. The plan is called, appropriately the Rural Revitalization Act of 2009 and it was introduced into the United States Senate by Kent Conrad in the hopes of passing legislation what would help raise North Dakot

Business & Finance: What Happened to Supply and Demand?

What Happened to Supply and Demand?

Supply and Demand! A simple concept that has successfully guided our economy for centuries. Today we find that the concept of supply and demand has been lost and now financial experts who seem to have no idea of this concept are in charge giving us lofty answers and ideas on how to fix our situation

Business & Finance: Tired of Living in Fear in Today's Economy?

Tired of Living in Fear in Today's Economy?

Are you tired of living in fear in today's economy? Are you worried about how going to pay the rent and put food on the table? Now, there's a solution to all of these problems and more. With this solution you will be guaranteed all of the basic necessities needed for survival.

Business & Finance: Where Does Price Inflation Come From?

Where Does Price Inflation Come From?

Some economists might have us believe that all price inflation comes from increased earnings levels, and they might go so far as to say that the increase in earnings accounts for all inflation, but is this really the case? Let's discuss this premise for a moment, because, I disagree and you mig