Business & Finance: Economic Scare Tactics and Wal-Mart Syndromes Discussed

Economic Scare Tactics and Wal-Mart Syndromes Discussed

Many communities during recessionary times tend to go for protectionism, and yet in the end it doesn't help, it actually adds to the problems. Not long ago, someone mentioned that they did not want a Super Wal-Mart built in their city because it would take away business from the other small bus

Business & Finance: India Marches Ahead to Emerge as the Largest Economic Power of the World

India Marches Ahead to Emerge as the Largest Economic Power of the World

For over a century the United States has been the largest economy in the world. Major shifts have however taken place in the last two decades. During the last 30 years the weight of the world economy has shifted from the US and the rich countries of Europe to China and India.

Business & Finance: Understanding The Credit Crunch

Understanding The Credit Crunch

This article explains in every day terms the origins, depth and breadth of the credit crisis and why traditional regulatory mechanisms for dealing with the problems are not working. A companion article will examine how the credit crisis and related problems could impact the business climate in 2008.

Business & Finance: Market For Clients During Tough Times

Market For Clients During Tough Times

Tough economic times can cause some businesses to make the mistake of not marketing. Unfortunately, that mistake can be a business killer.

Business & Finance: Regionalism in Coachella Valley Economics Considered

Regionalism in Coachella Valley Economics Considered

The Coachella Valley is in Riverside County California and it hosts such cities as Palm Springs, which is well known as a desert resort community and get away. It is one of the major travel destinations in California in fact. Still, many people don't realize that there are over 500,000 people t

Business & Finance: The Gaian Paradigm Part 5-- Reciprocity Economics

The Gaian Paradigm Part 5-- Reciprocity Economics

Since the Jewish Creating myth tht the earth was made for the use of man there has been the developing 'dominator paradigm' of EuroAmerican cultures.It has come to dominate the world and reached in most dangerous culmination to the acceptance of Adam Smth's economics based on self-int

Business & Finance: Private Mortgage Insurance In Your Mortgage Payment

Private Mortgage Insurance In Your Mortgage Payment

Private mortgage insurance(PMI) is a protection that a mortgage company charges anyone purchasing a home, but is putting a down payment less than 20% of the total purchase price of the home. It is an insurance for the mortgage company to help to protect their investments.

Business & Finance: Global Warming Means No More Oil From Middle East Needed

Global Warming Means No More Oil From Middle East Needed

Global warming means that the United States can no longer burn oil, fuel or gasoline that comes from other Middle Eastern countries.We are going to stop buying them altogether and these countries will economically collapse forever and be reduced to roaming nomads in the hot deserts as they run out o

Business & Finance: Third World Countries Say No To Genetically Modified Veggies

Third World Countries Say No To Genetically Modified Veggies

Genetically engineered veggies can be the ultimate solution to the food shortages in third world nations, but misbeliefs and controversy shrouds GMO foods in mist, as they continue to hold on to their agricultural methods.

Business & Finance: Solving the Global Retirement Problems

Solving the Global Retirement Problems

Daily, we have become accustomed to reading about the many challenges America faces as a nation. It has unemployment problems, runaway federal deficit, real estate depression, health care crises and senior citizens that live longer. Yes, many see people living longer as a problem because we still op

Business & Finance: Surviving the Economic Crisis - The Effects of Deflation

Surviving the Economic Crisis - The Effects of Deflation

Long term recessions lead to depressions, and one effect of a depression is deflation, where prices and costs drop. This is bad news for anyone with assets, mixed news for anyone who will continue to work, and good news for investors with a secure nest egg of cash.

Business & Finance: US Government Owes Every US Citizen $18,000

US Government Owes Every US Citizen $18,000

Due to the massive inflows and foreign Mexican invaders of illegal immigration and illegal aliens along with the MS-13 gang members and drugs it is costing the United States of American citizen billions each year in services.

Business & Finance: Revive An Economy - The Answer Lies With The Private Sector

Revive An Economy - The Answer Lies With The Private Sector

The best road to economic recovery strengthens and grows private business.The private sector, guided by the discipline of the market system, will always be the most efficient way to create the right number of productive jobs providing the products and services the economy demands.

Business & Finance: Obama's Stimulus Package Will Help Revive the Economy

Obama's Stimulus Package Will Help Revive the Economy

Obama assumed Presidency of the United States at a time when the economy was tethering and there was no option for him but to go in for extreme measures to kick start the economy. Before he assumed office, President Barack Obama announced that he would be bringing in a stimulus package which was bil

Business & Finance: Question for Anyone Concerned About the Economy - Got Gold?

Question for Anyone Concerned About the Economy - Got Gold?

Gold is like this shiny bobber floating on floodwaters. Doesn't matter how high those floodwaters get, that bobber will still stay on top of it all. So there's a decent chance that the higher inflation gets and the more wretched the economy becomes the more comfortable gold ownership will

Business & Finance: Advice on Living Through Our Planet's Situation

Advice on Living Through Our Planet's Situation

As this earth slowly changes and our culture advances. For industrial techniques have actually evolved to adapt to our earth's ever changing civilization. Now a days no one can estimate how quickly our persisting needs would only continue to rise. As our earth's technological knowledge inc

Business & Finance: Smart Businesses Take Advantage As Competitors Struggle

Smart Businesses Take Advantage As Competitors Struggle

Small firms are becoming leaner and meaner, research has found, and that means taking advantage when competitors are struggling. Being able to leapfrog struggling competitors is a key opportunity during the recession, according to a survey of business owners. Over half of the businesses polled - 54

Business & Finance: Economic Come-Back, We Are Still Waiting

Economic Come-Back, We Are Still Waiting

A society weakened by ill health, financial worries, war and addictions are too weak to complain and that creates a safe haven for selfish and incompetent leaders. If our economy weakens slowly, people may remain tolerant far too long anticipating a "come-back."

Business & Finance: American Made Clothing - Why Buy Locally?

American Made Clothing - Why Buy Locally?

There are many people who are refusing to buy products made in other countries because they feel that American made clothing is the answer. They are of the belief that American should take care of their own economy before worrying about the rest of the world. If we want to restore America to the gre