Business & Finance Economics

Crony Capitalism Is Rarely Announced or Advertised But It Is Readily Apparent in Hindsight

It is amazing how much crony capitalism goes on in America.
We see it at almost every turn.
It's hardly ever advertised or marketed as such because the dastardly deeds which go on happen behind the scenes.
Sometimes we learn about it in hindsight, and then it becomes so readily apparent what had transpired, often due to the lack of transparency by the very folks who promised such transparency during their last election campaigns.
Let me give you some major for instances.
The left-leaning socialists, and you might label them as Democrats told us that we needed more alternative energy, we must regulate coal into bankruptcy, kill fossil fuel use, and put in wind and solar.
This all sounded well and good because it would provide less pollution, but it is a pie-in-the-sky dream, and simply unsustainable.
The costs are too high, the energy is unreliable, and there were far too many crony capitalist steals involved in getting these things off the ground.
It was friends of friends in government, and their relatives and friends in the public sector putting these deals together for; us? As the coordinator for a think tank, we had many new innovations and ideas for alternative energy, some viable business plans, some not, but they didn't stand a chance in hell of getting funded, because the crony capitalists had already picked their friends to make all this work, and they were busy running a scam-like media marketing branding program indoctrinating the masses into this new religion of global warming alarmism and alternative energy.
They gave that money to their friends, often in grants, or guaranteed loans, but no one else on this planet could have gotten because they were in that inner circle.
Over the years, watching all this, and it has been going on for many decades, I've become completely disgusted with the process and even somewhat cynical due to all the game playing, and the use of the media and the social masses to actually get behind things which are not in their best interest, and either willing to look the other way or too ignorant of the facts and the details to see what's going on.
This crony capitalism is ruining America, and it has nothing to do with free-market capitalism which has built our nation into what it is today.
For those that chastise capitalism, or think we need more cronyism to solve our problems, they negate the fact that the problems were caused by the cronyism in the first place, and that's what we need to stop to get back to economic prosperity.
To involve the 99% and get them in an uproar over a false argument, or to confuse the American voter as to what we need for an energy strategy for this great country all for the benefit of a few who are engaged in an incestuous relationship between big business and big government is exactly the opposite of what we stand for this nation.
At some point we are going to have to get back to free-market capitalism, or we will die as a socialist nation, a great nation which once was, now relegated to the annals of history in a mere footnote, of a pretty good 200+ year run.
Please consider all this and think on it.
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