With several million people in this country receiving some form of welfare, and the largest number of people receiving Food Stamps and Medicaid, should welfare programs still continue? Is there a better way? During the past few years with the bad condition of the Economy should there really be any surprise that the number of people in need of assistance would increase? With so much talk of cutting government programs, would it be fair to do so with so many people relying on them? If we cut welfare as we know it would we then find people starving, people perhaps dying or ill due to related health problems that go untreated because no access to Low Cost health care? And would we also find an increase in homeless people on the streets? Their has been some form of Welfare Assistance since the 1930's, and its no secret of what was happening during this time of the great depression when so many people lost their jobs, and people who have lost everything, and so as a result we've actually had some form of welfare assistance since then.
And now today with unemployment where it is, and people having a very difficult time in finding employment againwould it be fair to cut programs from these people? In a world where it seems the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, and the middle class is shrinking and falling into the poor category, (certainly not in the rich category).
So do we need something better than welfare and other government programs that help people? Where is our future headed to when numbers for American's on government programs continue to increase and unemployment continues to go up and down, with people losing their homes due to foreclosure.
When we look back in the 1950's when most men were the "bread winner" in the household and the women raised the children in the home.
So what happened to all that? Later when women began to work and had a career, and now today with so many women working is of course a very common thing.
But would we have more jobs in the market place available today if only men worked in the household? So if the reason so many men and women both work today is, it simply requires two incomes to raise a family.
If this is true why was that not the case in the 1960's and before? What was different in our Economy than? And what changed? Or did people just change? Would there be enough jobs to go around today if so many women that allowed only their husband to be the "bread winner" in the household? So the fact that theirs more people in the work force today and so many people unable to find a job, could this be part of the problem with such a large number of people needing a job, both men and women? We live in a very complex world today with many problems, and many unanswered questions.
But of course we have to understand that anyone can decide to get a job and work for a living, and should be able to do so regardless if you're male or female.
And so for now, perhaps the best we can hope for is that if the Economy gets better and in return the job market also gets better, that the amount of people in need of welfare assistance decreases significantly.
Meanwhile it looks as if things will continue until something changes hopefully soon, and for the better.
So do you think it is fair to say that their will always be a need for welfare in bad times as well as good times, the only difference is in bad times the number of people in need of help increases.
And now today with unemployment where it is, and people having a very difficult time in finding employment againwould it be fair to cut programs from these people? In a world where it seems the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, and the middle class is shrinking and falling into the poor category, (certainly not in the rich category).
So do we need something better than welfare and other government programs that help people? Where is our future headed to when numbers for American's on government programs continue to increase and unemployment continues to go up and down, with people losing their homes due to foreclosure.
When we look back in the 1950's when most men were the "bread winner" in the household and the women raised the children in the home.
So what happened to all that? Later when women began to work and had a career, and now today with so many women working is of course a very common thing.
But would we have more jobs in the market place available today if only men worked in the household? So if the reason so many men and women both work today is, it simply requires two incomes to raise a family.
If this is true why was that not the case in the 1960's and before? What was different in our Economy than? And what changed? Or did people just change? Would there be enough jobs to go around today if so many women that allowed only their husband to be the "bread winner" in the household? So the fact that theirs more people in the work force today and so many people unable to find a job, could this be part of the problem with such a large number of people needing a job, both men and women? We live in a very complex world today with many problems, and many unanswered questions.
But of course we have to understand that anyone can decide to get a job and work for a living, and should be able to do so regardless if you're male or female.
And so for now, perhaps the best we can hope for is that if the Economy gets better and in return the job market also gets better, that the amount of people in need of welfare assistance decreases significantly.
Meanwhile it looks as if things will continue until something changes hopefully soon, and for the better.
So do you think it is fair to say that their will always be a need for welfare in bad times as well as good times, the only difference is in bad times the number of people in need of help increases.