Business & Finance Economics

Ten Job Growth Ideas For America

The job market today is somewhat unpredictable and even in some cases unstable.
The lack of secured jobs here in America came about mainly because most of our skilled jobs have been out-sourced to China, India and Mexico; just to name a few countries.
To encourage or spur job growth here in America; here are ten ideas that I have developed to stop the bleeding of our jobs overseas: 1.
Create a tax-free empowerment strategy for the business sector.
Allow investors to freely develop business strategies to create jobs in States that are mainly hard hit.
The government's role in this strategy is mainly to ensure banks lend capital in a secure, fair lending environment.
In-source jobs that eventually cannot be out-sourced.
Jobs such as Specialty Foods Manufacturing, Energy development and Information Technology that are truly congruent and difficult to out-sourced.
Energy Independence through the development of our vast untapped natural resources; oil, natural gas and coals.
Also, develop a long-term energy development strategy that entails non-fossil machinery and technology.
Banks and other lending institutions should collaborate with businesses that are interested in this type of development so that Americans can return to work.
Take a decisive or leadership role in Technological and Scientific Development.
Millions of jobs can be had in this area.
Reclaim the position that was once America's role in the world.
Develop and manufacture advance medical instruments, devices and machinery.
Be a world leader in Advance Medical Training and train the entire world in this new growing medical marketplace.
Develop an advanced Space Program.
Collaborate ONLY (to some extent) with countries that are willing to work with our Space Program.
Develop a striving tourist industry among States.
This will certainly grow our hospitality industry exponentially.
Millions of jobs can be created in this area alone! 8.
Develop a strong independent and manufacturing industry.
Export more, import less goods.
Return back to the roots that once made America number one in the world of manufacturing and product development.
Empower small business growth with loans, grants, and tax-free incentive waivers that are geared to spur economic and long-term job growth.
Allow businesses to flourish without any unnecessary encumbrances by States or The Federal Government.
Ease regulations and unfair tax burdens on investors who are willing to re-invest and/or re-located from China, India, Mexico and other countries to the United States.
Putting Americans back to work should be the primary goal for all politicians.
We can be number one once again only when stand together shoulder to shoulder to make this great nation of ours a true beacon of hope throughout the world.
This can ONLY be achieved when Americans once again return back to work!
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